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What is beta testing?

Testing performed by potential customers at

their own locations.
What are the benefits of Independent
Independent testers are unbiased and identify
different defects at the same time.
What is random/monkey testing?
When it is used?
Random testing often known as monkey
testing. In such type of testing data is
generated randomly often using a tool or
automated mechanism.
When "Regression Testing" should be
Verifying existing functional and non
functional area after making changes to the
part of the software or addition of new
What is Recovery Testing?

Ans. Checking if the system is able to handle

some unexpected unpredictable situations is
called recovery testing.
What is Test Case?

Ans. A Test case is a set of preconditions steps

to be followed with input data and expected
behavior to validate a functionality of a
Q. What is a Good Test Case?

Ans. A Test case that have high priority of

catching defects in called a good test case.
What is Defect Age?

Ans. The time gap between date of detection

& date of closure of a defect.
What is Showstopper Defect?

Ans. A defect which is not permitting to

continue further testing is called Showstopper
What is Unit Testing?

Ans. Unit testing is done to check whether

the individual modules of the source code are
working properly or not.
What criteria do you consider for
automating a test?
A: I would consider the following points to help me decide if a test should
be automated:
How often does the test need to be executed? i.e. is that going to be a
regression test? Sometimes the test will need to be executed once, but
with a large set of data
How much time does automating this test will save me so that I can use
my time in exploratory testing
How important is the test to the business; i.e. is the test scenario a typical
user journey through the application
How complex is it to automate the test and how likely is it that the
complexity doesnt cause many false positives which increases results
analysis time?
How likely is it that this test catches a defect?
How likely is it that a feature or functionality will break and what is the
impact of it to the business? If it is high impact, then it should be
automated to ensure it passes from release to release
Priority and severity
Test engineer
High severity low priority
Project name wrong
High priority low severity
No message while withdrawing money
How many test cases can u write per
Developer not compromising with the
Reproduce the defect
Defect life cycle
High sev High prio
Low proir low sever
Button Name wrong
Drawbacks of automation
Lack of expertation
All area not automate
Project vs product
Client vs market
What should be done after a bug is
After finding the bug the first step is bug to be
locked in bug report. Then this bug needs to
be communicated and assigned to developers
that can fix it. After the bug is fixes by the
developer, fixes should be re-tested, and
determinations made regarding requirements
for regression testing to check that fixes didn't
create problems elsewhere.
What is the difference between build
and release?
Answer: Build: It is a number given to
Installable software that is given to testing
team by the development team.
Release: It is a number given to Installable
software that is handed over to customer by
the tester or developer.

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