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Amos Chapter 6

Pride Goes Before the Fall

Please read Chapter 6 of Amos
Chapter 6 can be divided into 2
 The first part is verses
1 to 7 which is Amos’
criticisms of the
leaders of Israel
 The second part is
verses 8 to 14 which is
where we get to the
root of the problem in
Amos in the first 7 verses is critical
of the leaders of Israel (leaders
being the power brokers)

The leaders feel that they are important
but they are sinful people
 They feel that they are important
because of their military victories in
Calneh and Hamath (Syria) and Gath in
Philistia but they are no better than
these Kingdoms
 They are not looking at themselves
through the eyes of God
 Interestingly, the word trust in verse 1
(or feel secure in some translations) is
batah which actually refers to false
 The leaders live a life of luxury—they
lie on ivory beds, dine on veal, drink
wine, and use the finest lotions
 But they still sin (e.g. worship Baal, no
justice in kingdom etc)
Interesting story in verse 4
 The text refers to beds inlaid
with ivory
 Carved ivories that would be
put in a bed were found in
Nimrud which is an area on the
Tigris (ancient Assyria)
 On one of these ivories,
Hebrew words were found.
 It is thought that these ivories
were taken to Assyria when
Israel was conquered in 722
B.C. or they were given to
Assyria as tribute
Verse 3
 It is thought by scholars that verse 3 is a
response by Amos to those who are scoffing
 It is easy to see why people would scoff him
 But he says—look you are putting off the evil
day and are bringing near the reign of terror
 In other words—change your actions or there
will be consequences
This section says a lot about
 This section criticizes the
self indulgence of the
leaders of Israel
 Also it points out that they
are not relying on God
 They could have led the
way to righteousness and
justice but did not.
 So, they are leading their
people to destruction
What do you think the requirements are
for leadership in the church?
 Take a look at Matthew 20:25-28
 This passage takes a look at servant
 What does that mean in a church?
Verses 8-14 get to the root
 Which is what?
 Pride
 The leaders had great
pride in their military,
in their riches, and in
other Gods
 However they have
abandoned God
So, what is going to happen?

The destruction of Israel

So a question for you:
Why is this chapter important for
us in 2010???

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