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Review your notes from Ishmael and consider discussions we have had in class. Provide responses for
the following questions with sufficient support and detail from the novel.

Chapter #4

1. According to the narrator, what developed because of agriculture?

2. What do you think comes after the middle of the story?
3. Analyze the quote, “So now we have a clearer idea what this story is all about: The world was
made for man and man was made to rule it.” (p.72).
4. Explain the reference to Achilles.
5. Explain the argument found in the last paragraph on page 75.

Chapter #5

1. What do we learn about the narrator’s character based on the quote, “It’s a problem our
children will have to solve, or their children.” (p.80)?
2. What is the “but” Ishmael discusses on page 82?
3. According to the narrator, why do we need prophets? How does this relate to religion today?
4. What is significant about the quote, “Perhaps the flaw in man is exactly this; that he doesn’t
know how he ought to live.” (P.89)?
5. Explain the structure of this novel so far.

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