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Lesson 1.

Featured Selection - Beowulf

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Learning Competency

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain

how the elements specific to a selection build its theme

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to

do the following:

● Explain how the story elements of Beowulf established

its theme.
● Recognize an epic genre.
● Identify the characteristics of an epic genre.
● Describe the sociocultural context of the literary
Essential Question

Why are epics essential to a nation?

Try it!

Who Is a hero?
1. What are the characteristics of a hero? List down as
many as you can think of on a sheet of paper.
2. Share your responses in a class discussion. Make sure
to be ready to support the reasons you will be sharing.
Guide Questions

1. What are the similarities and differences between the

descriptions of a hero did you and your classmates have?
2. How do you think heroes of today are similar to heroes
during ancient times?
Unlocking of Difficulty

1. epic (noun) - a narrative poem that talks about the

achievements and bravery of a heroic character
Heroic, god-like figures around the world have epics written about
2. mead-hall (noun) - a large structure where warriors can
drink together and share stories of their conquests
The victorious Danes returned to the mead-hall to celebrate.
Unlocking of Difficulty
3. scop (noun) - an Old English word for a “bard” or “poet”
A scop often sets into song the best tales of heroic deeds.
4. desolate (adjective) - empty, lifeless
No living creature could be seen for miles in the desolate wasteland.
5. pyre (noun) - a heap of wood for burning a dead body at a
funeral rite
The fallen chieftain’s pyre was surrounded by grieving kinsmen and
Learn about It!

An epic is a narrative poem that talks about the
achievements and bravery of a heroic character.
Learn about It!

Characteristics of an Epic
● The hero is a figure of national importance.
● The action involves a long and dangerous journey.
● The setting of an epic is large in scale.
● Supernatural beings and events play a role in epic affairs.
● The style of an epic is formal and grand.
● Epics assign short phrases to individual characters.
Learn about It!

● the most popular narrative poetry of the Early Anglo-Saxon
● an epic with 3,182 lines
● considered to be the oldest surviving long poem in English
● believed to have been written at around 975-1025 AD
Learn about It!

Beowulf – Characters:
● Beowulf - the hero
● Hrothgar - king of Denmark
● Grendel - demon who lived in the swamplands of Hrothgar’s
● Grendel’s mother - avenged his son, Grendel, for being killed
● Aeschere - Hrothgar’s adviser who was killed by Grendel’s
● Hygelac and Hygd - king and queen of Geatland
Learn about It!

Beowulf – Settings
● Denmark - land of King Hrothgar
● Geatland - Beowulf’s hometown; ruled by Hygelac
Learn about It!

Beowulf Awaits Grendel

(excerpt )
Learn about It!

Guide Questions
1. What events in the epic does the excerpt describe or
2. How are the principal characters described in the
3. What characteristics or elements of an epic are found
in the excerpt?
4. How do the elements in the excerpt enhance the
characters and events?

Read the following poem and answer the questions

that follow.

Beowulf Defeats Grendel


Guide Questions
1. What events in the epic does the excerpt describe or narrate?
2. How are the principal characters described in the excerpt?
3. What happened to Grendel? What is left with Beowulf and
what does this symbolize?
4. What elements of an epic are found in the excerpt? Cite as
many different examples as you can.
5. How do the elements described above enhance the
characters and events in the excerpt? Support your ideas
with the examples you have found, and explain thoroughly.
Values Integration

What can stories of heroes such as those in epics do for

us in our everyday lives?

1. Come up with your own created epic hero. The hero must
have all the characteristics typical of epic heroes. Illustrate
how your epic hero will look like.
2. This epic hero will have his or her own adventures. Each
group must write a short story for their hero. The story
must also reflect the characteristics of an epic while
conveying a message or theme applicable to everyday life.
You may also include illustrations.
3. You may present your epics in a classroom exhibit.

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions

that follow.

Hrothgar Thanks Beowulf

Guide Questions
1. What events are described in the excerpt?
2. What characteristics of epic poetry are evident in the
3. What elements of Anglo-Saxon literature can be found
in the excerpt? How do these enhance the text?
4. How does the epic story of Beowulf make you feel? Is he
worthy of being an epic hero? Elaborate on your

Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Literary Elements. (n.d.) Accessed June 9, 2017.

Lambert, Tim. (2015). “A Timeline of English History”. A World History Encyclopedia. Accessed June 11, 2017.

Long, William. (2004). “English Literature: Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English Speaking World”.
Project Gutenberg. Accessed September 21, 2021.

United States of America timeline. 2012. BBC News. Accessed June 9, 2017.

World Book Encyclopedia. 1993. Chicago: World Book, Inc.

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