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• Farah Nazwa S (15)

• Feodora Aulia Z (17)
• Jihan Audia M (21)
• M. Aflah Al-Kahfi (23)
• Nabila Putri F (26)
• Nafisah Zulkha R (29)


Cover .............................................................................................................................. I
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... Ii
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................... Iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
A. Background ......................................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation .......................................................................................... 1
C. Writing Purpose .................................................................................................. 1
D. Benefit ................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter II Discussion ................................................................................................... 2
A. Definition of Anecdote ....................................................................................... 2
B. Generic Structure of Anecdote ........................................................................... 2
C. Elements of Anecdote ......................................................................................... 3
D. Rules of Anecdote ............................................................................................... 3
E. Example of Anecdote .......................................................................................... 4
Chapter III Closing ....................................................................................................... 6
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 6
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................... 6
Question ......................................................................................................................... 7
Answer Key ................................................................................................................... 13


Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for all His graces and gifts so
that our group can complete the assignment of this paper entitled Anecdote on time. We
also thank Mr. Syukur who has helped us in learning English both morally and materially.

We realize that the assignment of this paper that we have made is still far from
perfect, both in terms of writing, preparation, and language. Due to our limited experience
and knowledge. Therefore, we expect all forms of suggestions and criticisms from various
parties. Hopefully this paper can help and add insight for readers and can be useful for the
development of science.

Cirebon, 26th September 2022

A. Background
In our daily lives, of course, many events are experienced which ultimately lead
to protests or criticism. Therefore, we need a medium for delivering criticism or
suggestions in our daily lives that can be accepted by the people. An example is the
existence of Anecdotes in our daily lives. In addition to helping convey a critique or
suggestion, anecdotes can also be an entertainment medium and an effective learning

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background described above, it can be concluded that several
problems can be discussed in more detail in the discussion chapter, the formulation of
the problems include :
1. What is the definition of anecdote?
2. What is the generic structure of anecdote?
3. What are the elements of anecdote?
4. What are the rules that anecdote have?
5. What is the example of anecdote?

C. Writing Purpose
1. To knowing what is the definition of anecdote.
2. To knowing what is the generic structure of anecdote.
3. To knowing what are the elements of anecdote.
4. To knowing what are the rules that anecdote have.
5. To knowing what is the example of anecdote.

D. Benefit
The benefit that we get from writing this paper assignment is that we know
more about anecdote and can better understand what an anecdote is and its structure,
elements, rules, and what the examples are like.

A. Definition of Anecdote
An anecdote is “ a story with a point, such as to communicate an abstrac idea
about a person, place, or thing through the concreate details of a short narrative or to
characterize by delineating a specific curiousity or trait. Occasionally humorous,
anecdotes differ from jokes because their primary purpose is not simply to provoke
laughter but to reveal a truth more general than the brief tale itself.

B. Generic Structure of Anecdote

Like other types of text in English, Anecdote also has its own generic structure
or linguistic structure, which is as follows:
1. Abstract
Abstract is the first part of Anecdote, which contains a piece of a unique or
unusual event that can attract attention.

2. Orientation
Orientation which contains the introduction of characters, time, and place settings
of the story being told. This section has the same function as the Orientation
section of Narrative Text.

3. Crisis
Crisis is a section to re-explain the unique or odd things that have been described
briefly in the Abstract section, in more detail or detail.

4. Incident or Reaction
Part of how the author or the person being written solves the problems that arise in
the crisis section, and it is in this section that readers or listeners usually get
interesting or funny problem solving.

5. Coda
Coda is the closing part of the Anecdote, containing the conclusion or evaluation
of the story told. Usually, this is the part that contains humor or that invites

C. Elements of Anecdote
Anecdotal elements are divided into two, namely intrinsic elements and
language feature.

Anecdotal Intrinsic Elements:

1. Plot
2. Theme
3. Characterizations
4. Background
5. Point of view
6. Mandate

Language Elements:
1. Question sentence
2. News sentence
3. Command sentence

D. Rules of Anecdote
Rules of Anecdote, there are :
1. Using Exclamation Words
A mark “!” used especially after an interjection or exclamation to indicate forceful
utterance or strong feeling. for example : it's awful!, it's wonderful!, etc.

2. Using imperative
If it is imperative that something is done, that thing is extremely important and
must be done.
for example : listen to this.

3. Using rhetoric question

Rhetorical questions are questions that do not expect an answer.
for axample : do you know what?

4. Using action verb

Action verb is a verb that expresses something that a person, animal, object, or
process in nature (such as a storm) can do rather than expressing a state of being.
for example: go, write, etc.

5. Using simple past tense

The simple past tense, is used to represent an action/event that took place in the
past. for example : I saw a movie yesterday

E. Example of Anecdote
 Example 1.
The President and the Parrot

There were two presidents involved in the question and answer session and the
atmosphere was quite surprising.

President 1: There is a parrot who has been taught two languages at once, and the
parrot can imitate well, one in English and the second in Russian. So
if you pull it on its right leg, the parrot will speak English and if it is
pulled on its left leg, the parrot will speak Russian, that's great!
President 2: Great!
President 1: What if both legs are pulled?
President 2: Wow, the parrot can speak two languages at once!
President 1: Wrong
President 2: Oh maybe the two languages got mixed up!
President 1: Wrong
President 2: Or maybe one of the words will be confused, one in English and the
second in Russian
President 1: Wrong
President 2: ... so what about it?
President 1: What is clear is that if both legs are pulled, the parrot will fall from the
nest, you idiot!
President 2: Hey, don't play games, I'm the president, even if it's only at home,
how can you say you're stupid!

And soon the parrot imitated these words. "Stupid president... stupid president...
stupid president!" the sound of the parrot is heard over and over

 Example 2.
My Secret Alias

Hi I’m Jack Banner. I’m a secret agent, but I’m here on vacation. Guess what
happened to me. I almost forget my identity. I arrived at the airport in the
afternoon. The flight was not really good. So I only had a little sleep. Nobody
picked me up, so I took a taxi to the hotel. I asked the driver to take me to the hotel
my agent had reserved.

At the hotel I went directly to the receptionist desk. I told her that I had reserved a
room. After a minute she looked at me and said that nobody had reserved under
Jack Baner. And the hotel was full. I thought there was something wrong. But
what could I do?

Then I went to a public phone. I called my travel agent back at my country and
told about my problem. I was surprised to know that the problem was so simple.
They reserved a room at this hotel under Johny Goodbye, my alias. I am a secret
agent, remember?

I was so embarrassed. I shouldn’t have forgotten my alias.

 Example 3.
A foolish order

I was working in a photo store, which specializes in restoring old photographs.

One day, a lady brought an old picture of a man sitting behind a cow milk, milking
“Can you fix this picture for me?” she asked.
“Sure, what would you like us to do?”
“Can you move the cow?”

I stared at her astonishingly and replied, “Move the cow?”

“Right. I want to know what my great-grandfather looked like. That’s him.” she
pointed to the feet sticking out under the cow.
“I don’t think we can do that.”
“Just move the cow over, and we’ll be able to see his face.” She insisted.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have the technology to do that.” “Well,
I think I’ll just take this somewhere else.”

A. Conclusion
Anecdotes provide a helpful short story to pass the judgments that people
in the neighborhood will readily take. In addition to its critical intent, entertainment
and learning can also be drawn from the account. Anecdotes have two elements, that
is, intrinsic and language. Five anecdotal structures are abstractions, orientation,
crises, reactions, and coda. Anecdotal code of anecdotes involves using a long time
ago, using rhetoric' question, using dialling words, using verbs, using a command
sentence, and using exclamation lines.

B. Suggestion
Once you have a glimpse into the anecdotal text, you will find some lessons.
The lesson is that if you want to criticize someone and you want your criticisms to be
accepted by the people around you, you should criticize them through media
intercessors that are acceptable to the community. One is using anecdotal text.


1. All of the following are anecdote intrinsic elements, except…

a. Theme
b. Point Of View
c. Coda
d. Maindate
e. Plot

2. The first part of Anecdote, which contains a piece of a unique or unusual event that can
attract attention is… a. Coda
b. Abstrac
c. Orientation
d. Crisis
e. Reaction

3. What is the title of example 1…

a. The President and The Parrot
b. My Secret Alias
c. A foolish order
d. Artist Child eat at the restaurant
e. Wrong Catch

4. What is the character’s job in Example 2…

a. Photographer
b. Secret Agent
c. Sailor
d. Detective
e. Hacker

5. What tenses are used in anecdotes…

a. Past Perfect
b. Simple Present Tense
c. Simple Past Tense
d. Past Continous
e. Simple Future

6. The following is the structure of an anecdote text, except…

a. Action
b. Reaction
c. Coda

d. Abstraction
e. Orientation

7. In general, an anecdote text has a function, namely to…

a. Submitting opinions and suggestions
b. Submitting satire and suggestions
c. Submit criticism and suggestions
d. Submitting facts and opinions
e. Submitting satire and criticism

8. A short but funny story, makes you laugh, and gives an impression is a…
a. Explanation
b. Narrative
c. Exposition
d. Argument
e. Anecdote

9. The following are characteristics of an anecdote text, except…

a. Contains a moral message
b. Contains cute things
c. Presented in the form of a story
d. Crisis-reaction-orientation is the structure of the text
e. Tickle

10. In addition to anecdotal texts that give a funny impression, there are also humorous
texts. The difference is in… a. The rule
b. Elements
c. Contents
d. Function
e. Text structure

11. What is the text talking about…

a. Narrative
b. Anecdote
c. Recounf text
d. Spoof
e. Explanation
12. What is the tittle of example 2…
a. The president and the parrot
b. A foolish order

c. Cinderella
d. My secret alias
e. A cute teddy bear

13. Questions that do not expect an answer is…

a. Exclamation word
b. Rhetoric question
c. Command sentence
d. Question sentence
e. Action verb

14. New sentence is the part of…

a. Definition of anecdote
b. Generic structure of anecdote
c. Language elements
d. Rules of anecdote
e. Intrinsic elements

15. Closing part of the Anecdote, containing the conclusion or evaluation of the story told
a. Coda
b. Crisis
c. Orientation
d. Abstract
e. Reaction

16. Which includes imperative sentences…

a. it's wonderful!
b. i saw a movie yesterday
c. it's awful!
d. listen to this
e. do you know what?

17. The following is the Rules of anecdote, except…

a. Using past continous
b. Using simple past tense
c. Using imperative
d. Using action verb
e. Using Exlamation Words
18. The first part structure of anecdote is…
a. Coda

b. Abstract
c. Crisis
d. Orentation
e. Reaction

19. Which part of the anecdote structure that contains humor…

a. Abstract
b. Crisis
c. Orientation
d. Reaction
e. Coda

20. Which of the following includes action verbs, except…

a. Read
b. Write
c. Go
d. Climb
e. Lazy

21. The activity compares the two characteristics to a fact both of the structure and of the
language (spelling, vocabulary, and sentence structure). The sentence is an
understanding of sentiment… a. Analysis
b. Identification
c. Studying
d. Abstractions
e. Evaluation

22. One evening staircase was driving home in a drive. It rained heavily that night. Too
bad for her to have the headlights off. Angga finally got the idea to follow the car in
front of him. Shocking thing happened. The car in front of the stairs suddenly stopped
and caused the car to hit the car.
Staircase : "it's your fault you stopped in front of me!"
Front car driver : "obviously, your fault!"
Staircase : "you're the one who stopped short!"
Front car driver : "where do you think this is, this is my home garage!"
Who is the main character in the part of the anecdotal story above? Autism…
a. A Driver's car out front
b. Car
c. Rain
d. Garage

e. Angga

23. Long ago it was one code of anecdotal text writing. This language code is seen in
unfamiliar sentences…
a. Why is this happening?
b. 9:00 a.m. tomorrow they're ready for a demonstration
c. This is a good time for bed
d. Anecdotes are one kind of text
e. In ancient times Kings often hunted

24. All kinds of text have special properties. The language that is the hallmark of anecdotal
text is slender…
a. A Rhetorical phrase
b. Ask sentence
c. Sentences that inform events that have already occurred
d. Sentence the question about time travel
e. Action word

25. Read portions of the following story!

The heart of a wealthy coal businessman paid a visit to his next of kin and a successful
businessman. To his surprise, he found his friend mopping the floor of his own home.
The conjunction contained in the piece of the above story is subtitles… a.
b. Businessman
c. Get the
d. If only
e. Street

26. In the answer below, which one is on of features of ancdote text…

a. Use present tense
b. Use future perfect tense
c. Use past perfect
d. Use preposition adjective
e. Contain rhetoric question

27. What is the purpose of anecdote text…

a. To tell the past events in order to amuse the readers or listeners by telling the
unusual and/or amusing incidents
b. To describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.

c. To entertain the reader with the story which can be fiction or non-fiction
d. To describe the way things are, with reference to arrange on natural, manmade, and
social phenomena in our environment
e. To describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

28. What is the definition of ancdote text…

a. A story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find the resolutions to
solve the problems
b. Text that explains what a person, place, or thing is like
c. A type of text in English that describes the details of an object
d. A text which deals with something unexpected or out of ordinary that usually
contains some amusing or unusual incidents
e. Pieces of writing that explain something

29. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I…the book from wich it was made a. have read
b. had read
c. should have read
d. am reading
e. read

30. If I…the opportunity, I would have gone to university

a. had
b. had had
c. will have
d. have
e. was having


1. C 11. B 21. A
2. B 12. D 22. E
3. A 13. B 23. E
4. B 14. C 24. B
5. C 15. A 25. A
6. A 16. D 26. E
7. B 17. A 27. A

8. E 18. B 28. D
9. A 19. E 29. D 10. D 20. E 30. B


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