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Elevator Pitch
What is it?
It is a brief presentation that covers only key points (no major details)

The objective is to get you invited into the boardroom, where you will get to show
your idea in all its glory.
2 key elements- in all pitch
1. present clearly the problem you are trying to solve.

2. value proposition: demonstrate how your idea solves that problem

Test your pitch

1. must be brief

2. must be easy to understand

3. must be greed inducing (what is it your investor wants?? thu! $$$)

4. must be irrefutable- yes, the investor might have some questions, but none
because the content of your presentation guides the investor to say NO.
Focus on the FAB (features, advantages, benefits)
Qualification: you have a identified a GAP. meaning you asked a round and you
know that there is a need that is not being satisfied.

Verification: you have asked your clients of future clients if they would use your
idea (allow clients to visualize the possibilities).

Last: can you meet the needs (fully, not half way)
So, what is this FAB thing?
Features: physical characteristics (in an airplane would be legroom)

Advantage (what makes you better from competitor): passenger would be able to
stretch, rest better, get less cramps.

Benefits (game changer- needs/wants): what that means is that the passenger
would leave the airplane feeling satisfied, better rested, and would feel more

for the company: they will come back!

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