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Name(S):Marco Araya,

Benjamn Riveros , Ernesto

Verdugo y Marcial Carrasco

Some organisms have almost 90% of the
weight of their body composed of water.
The human body is composed of 70%
water, the brain is made up of 70% water,
blood is 80% and the lungs are made up
of 90% water. The cells in our bodies
contain water.
A human drink approximately
75,000 liters of water
throughout his life

Didyou know that a person

can live a month without food
but only one week without
Theimportance of water is that it brings
nutrients to the cells, helps digestion by
forming stomach secretions, eliminates
waste, keeps the kidneys healthy and
provides constant hydration to the skin,
eyes, mouth and nose, lubricates joints,
regulates Body temperature
Male 60%
Women 50%
Newborn baby 80%
Skin 72%
Blood 80%
Adipose tissue 15%
Muscle tissue 80%
Bone tissue 22%

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