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The Informal History of the 1910s

By Mason Buchholz, Matt Davis, Eli Sutton

Political Changes
As a result, a relatively
inexperienced politician,
Democrat Woodrow
Wilson (18561924),
was elected to the
country's highest office.
Political Changes
The political elections reflected the dynamics of the period. Former U.S. President
Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) once again threw his wide-brimmed hat into the
presidential race in 1912 and split the Republican Party into two factions.
Political Changes
Wilson's administration was able to
enact legislation effectively through
a supportive, Democrat-dominated
Political Changes
Woodrow wilson was the president during and after WW1 and he was the one who
proposed the league of nations that America did not join.
Social Changes - African Americans
After World War 1 many African-
Americans moved from the South to
the North bringing their culture with
Immigrants were moving to America
because many men were at war and
places needed people to fill the jobs.
Social Changes - Art
The move of many immigrants to
the U.S. lead to many famous
foreign performers on broadway
Immigrants brought their unique
cultures and art perspectives to the
United States
Social Changes - The Little Renaissance

New ideas in literature, painting,

sculpture, photography, music and
theatre were being born
A lot of people started being more
creative when the war came to an
end in 1918
Social Changes - The Ballroom Decade
The 1910s is often considered the
Ballroom Decade
Many common places like
restaurants had dance floors to be
used later in nights
People became more open with their
lives and not so conservative
Social Changes - Music
Jazz became a very popular genre of
music during the 1910s
Due to the immigration African-
Americans brought jazz into our
Social Changes - Social Inventions/Events
In 1913 the first crossword puzzle
ever was published
Warner Brothers opened their first
West Coast studio in 1918
The first U.S. feature film Oliver
Twist was released in 1912

Oreos were invented in 1912

Historical Events - Killing of Francis Ferdinand

June 28, 1913 was the date

Archduke Francis Ferdinand was
assassinated by the Serbian group
The Black Hand
This started a chain of events that
lead to The Great War
Historical Events - Lusitania Sunk

British ship containing many

American civilians was sunk by
One of the major factors in the
United States Joining the war
Historical Events - Paris Peace Conference
The Paris Peace Conference was held
in the aftermath of World War One.
It was a meeting of the victors of World
War One to set the conditions for the
Central Powers defeat.
President Woodrow Wilson gave his
Fourteen Points speech, and the League
of Nations were created.
Historical Events - RMS Titanic
A british ocean liner, that was the largest
and most luxurious cruise ship of its
It crashed into an iceberg and sank on
the ship's first voyage.
Of the estimated 2,224 passengers on board,
more than 1,500 of them died.
Has caused a widely known movie
Titanic to be made.
Historical Events - First Red Scare

Americans became scared of

communism and were afraid of
what it could do
There were illegal search and
seizures, unwarranted arrests, and
detentions of suspected
Historical Events - The 18th Amendment

This ratification was certified at

the end of the 1910s in 1919
It declared the production,
transport, and sale of alcohol
It was a massively ineffective
amendment and was later made
extinct with the 21st amendment
Important People - Woodrow Wilson
He was the 28th president of the United
States and remained in office from
1913 to 1921.
He was President throughout World
War l.
He was a major leader during the Paris
Peace Conference.
Created the League of Nations in an
attempt to stop all future wars.
Important People - Henry Ford
Was the founder of the Ford Motor
Designed the Assembly Line which made
cars mass-producible.
He made automobiles easily accessible
to almost all Americans, which helped
transform them into the common item
that many households own today.
Important People -Thomas Edison

Debatably Americas greatest inventor,

invented the lightbulb and helped
develop the phonograph and motion
picture camera
Held 1.093 patents to his name for his
Important People - Booker T. Washington

Supporter of industrial education for

African Americans throughout the
United States
Was invited to the white house to eat
with President Roosevelt
The Ford Assembly Line
The Ford Assembly Line was invented in 1913.
It reduced the time to build the Model T from twelve and a
half hours, to one and a half hours.
The assembly line is a manufacturing process in
which parts are continuously put on an unfinished
project, as it moves down the line.
The assembly line is widely used in modern times
for many items including many electronic and
household items.
Was created in response to trench
Was driven across the No Mans Land to get
at the enemys trenches.
Helped start the push of mechanized
They were initially crude and unreliable,
but grew to be largely important in many
ground battles and strategies.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings was put into
practise by different countries at
different times.
This new innovation allowed some
control over daylight allowing it to be
lighter out later in the day and vice
versa for mornings.
The Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is a large man
made waterway that connects the
Pacific and Atlantic oceans,.
Without having to go around South
America, travel time was cut down by a
large margin.
It opened on August 15, 1914, and is
still largely used today.

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