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Mary Shelley

• Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein 18 years, that made her
famous, and with which the genre of science fiction begins.
Frankenstein consists of three concentric narratives. In the first,
Robert Walton tells his sister, in her letters, her journey to the
North Pole. In one of these letters the story of Victor Frankenstein
is inserted Walton, which in turn includes the story of Victor
Frankenstein monster. The structure of Chinese boxes, responds
to the epistolary genre so popular in the eighteenth century.

Victor Frankenstein is the Modern Prometheus, the protagonist

receiving the fire of life and is able to create, much to his dismay, a
monster without a name. "For nearly two years had worked tirelessly
for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inert body. For it had
deprived me of rest and health," says Victor.

The monster is born from inert matter is transformed into a human being as
acquires language. He is mentioned in the play as "monster", "monster", "the
creature", "creature", "horrendous guest", "demonic being" ... and though born
innocent, loneliness and horror and contempt produces contemplation to others
you are becoming a brutal one.

Frankenstein pursues destroys her family and is then pursued by his

creator, responsible for their work, try to avoid other problems that
the child may cause.

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