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1. MILHOUSE : Hello Lisa ,
Would like to go dancing ?

3.MILHOUSE : What about tomorrow Monday 20th Lisa

I go to your house ,Could you go? . 2 .Lisa: Yeah sure, why not but
,When are we going out
5.MILHOUSE : Of course I see you in a few hours Milhouse ? .

4 .Lisa: Milhouse .I can’t go

tomorrow because I got many
things to do , but if you want to
go this afternoon .I have some
free time . What about at six

6.Lisa: I have been waiting here too much time millhouse, I got no
time to keep out waiting for you any more .

7.MILHOUSE : Ohh….. That’s enough Lisa I couldn’t be here earlier

because I went to the store to buy some thing

8.Lisa: And what you bough water?

8.MILHOUSE: No I didn't buy any liquid ,sugar neither ,I bough food

Like bread, cookies, jam , apples , oranges strawberries and some
candies .

Lisa : And how was your dinner

9.MILHOUSE: well I have oranges and strawberries ,I don’t like what I

eat so much
The oranges were too sour small, green and simple though straws were
rotten .

10.Lisa: could we go Milhouse

11.Lisa: Milhouse I know you want to show me up your steps

but your been so rude, you better do you know

12.MILHOUSE: I'm agree with you Lisa I’ll do my best

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