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Susan Verónica Rubio Gallego



1. French is easier to learn than Russian

2. Belgium is hotter than France

3. Surfing is more exciting than fishing

4. Sophie plays tennis better than Emily

5. Sydney is further from London than Delhi

6. Jason gets up earlier than his wife

7. Claire works harder than Sally

8. The traffic is worse at 8.30 than at 9.30

9. Harry writes more quickly than Paul

10. Life in the city is more stressful than life in the country


1. Russian isn’t as easy as French

2. France isn’t as hot as Belgium

3. Fishing isn’t as exciting as Surfing

4. Emily doesn’t play tennis as well as Sophie

5. Delhi isn’t as far as from London Sydney

6. Jason’s wife doesn’t get up as early as Jason

7. Sally doesn’t work as hard as Claire

8. The traffic at 9.30 isn’t as bad as at 8.30

9. Paul doesn’t write as quickly as Harry

10. Life in the country isn’t as stressful as life in the city



1. the most unfriendly the friendliest

2. the most expensive the cheapest

3. the most exciting the most boring

4. the most generous the selfishiest

5. the most patient the most impatient

6. the loudest the noisiest

7. the most crowded the emptiest

8. the most hard working

9. the nearest the furthest

10. the most difficult the easiest

11. the most stressed the most relaxed

12. the most unhealthy the healthiest


1. Who’s the most generous person you’ve ever met?

The most generous person I’ve ever met is my grandma

2. What’s the most difficult language you’ve ever learned?

The most difficult language I’ve ever learned is Latin

3. What’s the best restaurant you’ve ever eaten at?

The best restaurant I’ve ever eaten at is Pozzetto

4. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is a pair of shoes

5. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever learned to do?

The hardest thing I’ve ever learned to do is driving a car

6. What’s the longest journey you’ve ever made?

The longest journey I’ve ever made is to USA for two months

7. What’s the most interesting historic building you’ve ever visited?

The most interesting historic building I’ve ever visited is the Wall of Cartagena.

8. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?

The most beautiful place I’ve ever been to is Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre

9. What’s the most exciting film you’ve ever seen?

The most exiting film I’ve ever seen is “the spotless mind of the eternal sunshine”

10. What’s the furthest you’ve ever run?

The furthest I’ve ever run is 5 Km

11. What’s the coldest place you’ve ever been to?

The coldest place I’ve ever been to is YMCA of the Rockies

12. What’s the most important exam you’ve ever taken?

The most important exam I’ve ever taken is entrance exam to the National university of Colombia


1. Jackie spends too much money on shoes

2. A good diet can prevent a lot of illnesses

3. How was the job interview? , It was OK. I wasn’t too nervous

4. I think I have enough money to pay for this

5. How much fruit do you eat?

6. Can you help me? This case is too heavy

7. Could I have a little milk, please?

8. I’m going away on holiday for a few days next week

9. You don’t do too much exercise. Why don’t you come jogging with me?

10. I can’t teach children. I’m not patient enough

11. Too much chocolate isn’t good for you

12. How many hours do you work a day?

13. I spend too much time at the computer

14. I couldn’t finish the report because I didn’t have enough time

15. I have too much clothes. I can never decide what to wear.

16. We’re going to buy a few things for our new flat today

17. Are you well enough to go to work today?

18. I’m going to have very little free time this weekend

19. My husband does a little housework every day

20. We buy too many vegetables. We never eat them all

T or F

I spend too much time on social media


1-b Yes, and I’m sure it’ll be really boring!

2-h He won’t understand anything!

3-g the coffee won’t be very good.

4-i Great! We won’t have the exam!

5-a He won’t get much money for it. It’s very old.

6-e That’s good. You’ll feel much healthier.

7-k She’ll lose it, just like the other two.

8-l She’ll get a good job, I’m sure.

9-d Yes, but you’ll wear it a lot.

10-f Oh no. He’ll be really angry.

11-c Don’t worry. You’ll pass easily.

12-j Lucky you! You’ll love the people and the scenery.


1. Sorry I won’t be home for dinner. I’m working late.

2. Shall I turn on the air conditioning?

3. Don’t worry. I won’t forget

4. No problem. I’ll call you back this evening.

5. Yes, I’ll have a packet of crisps, please.

6. I’ll take it back tomorrow. They can change it.

7. Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon.

8. I’ll help you if you like.

9. I’m very sorry. It won’t happen again.

10. Maybe! I’ll think about it.

11. Don’t worry. Give me the book, and I’ll ask you some questions.

12. Sit down, and I’ll make you a cup of tea.


1 Does your sister some times get angry with you?

2 Sorry, she doesn’t work on Wednesday.

OK, thanks. I’ll call back tomorrow then.

3 I haven’t made anything for dinner yet.

4 Yes. I’m going to sell it next month.

5 How did you get home last night?

I got a taxi.

6 Don’t worry. I’ll help you.

7 Yes, I heard it on the news when I was driving home.

8 Well, I don’t drink very many. Just one or two cans a day

9 Have you ever spoken to your mother about the problem?

10 I came to see you last night, but you weren’t at home.

No, I had dinner at my parent’s house.

11 Don’t worry. It won’t hurt.

12 Sure, I’m not working at the moment.

13 I am. They’ve just offered me the job in Paris.

14 What are you going to do tomorrow evening?

Do you want to see a film?

15 Where did you take it?

When I was walking in the Himalayas.

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