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Should student

athletes required to
take drug test? _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Types of drugs in sports:

Anabolic steroids
This help athletes to build muscle, and to recover faster from training
Peptide Hormones
These are substances that occur naturally in the body, but which produce similar effects to
the anabolic steroids
Strong analgesic painkillers- such as morphine and opiates
Drugs like amphetamines and cocaine can raise the heart rate and may improve performan
Chemicals that help the body to lose fluids and may, for instance, be useful in helping box
ers to meet their fighting weight.
Redness of eyes, consta
nt runny nose, teary eyes
Sudden mood changes
Unusual, unsociable or irr
egular behavior
Change of friends
Reduction in extra-curricu
lar activities
Minimal interaction
with the family
Loss of appetite
Reasons why athelets use drugs:

Dissatisfaction with performance and progress

Psychological dependency
Self-pressure and doubt, lack of confidence, stre
ss, anxiety or depression
Relaxation / socialization
Lack of knowledge about side effects
Values(using is not a problem)
Wanting to keep up with other athletes using drugs
Believing that they can get away with it
Being easily influence by peers
A ‘’win at all cost mentality
Personal pride and the need to retain a hero status
athlete who uses drugs.
(enhancing- performance drugs)

Maria Sharapova- Australian Tennis player

Tyson Gray – sprinting
Diego Maradona- Football
Roy jones JR- bOxing
Anderson Silva- MMA UFC
Ben Jhonson –sprinting
Lance Armstrong- cycling
Shane warne- Cricket
Alberto contador- cycling
Types of drug test

Urine test
urinalysis (UA) is a set of tests that detect cells and substa
nces (e.g. crystals, casts) in the urine done as part of a hea
lth exam or to help detect a urinary tract infection, kidney di
sorder or other condition.
Blood test
is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that i
s usually extracted from a vein in the arm using a hypoder
mic needle, or via fingerprick
Is it safe?
Is it effective?
Is it legal?
Is it ethical?

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