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<It is> impossible <of> <an

alcoholic> <to> drink

Recreation is <any activity>
voluntarily <engaged> for self-
satisfaction <through> relaxation,
fun, or the opportunity <for
expression> .
<Handicapped> people
frequently <state> that they feel
<isolated> and <other people>
avoid them.
<Detection> often <find out the
truth> by gathering <lost of>
unrelated information and
<studying it> .
Byssinosis, <Known as> one of
the many lung diseases, <are
believed> to be the result of
years <of exposure> <to> fine
cotton dust
The man claimed that the
panacea <he sold> <was good>
for <alleviating> stomach-aches,
fever, and <seasick> .
People <have to> take
precautions <to> both <acts of>
sabotage and direct violence in
<times> of was.
The candidate spoke
<ambiguously> <on purpose> so
that people <listen to> him could
hear <whatever> they wanted to
<The lack of> rain in <the
northern Africa> <caused>
<severe> scarcity of food.
The political contestant's speech
<was filled with> empty
<promise> platitudes, <and>
<trite> expressions.
<The> economies of <many>
OPEC nations <is> <primarily>
People <dream> more when
<they> <enter to> <lighter>
phases of sleep.
Hopkins University indicated that
it was the husbands, not the
wives, <whose lives> were
<shortened by> the <lost> of
their spouses.
As a result of the Women's
<Rights> Movement, women
around the world now <holds>
positions that were <once
restricted to> <men> .
<Whether or not> a <divorced
person> is entitled to <share of>
his or her spouse's pension has to
<be decided> by the court.
Some people <believe> that
printing does as much harm
<like> good since it <brings out>
falsehood <as much as> truth.
Comets can <burst into>
fragments <that> fly <upon> in
fiery orbits of <their> own
If the information in a report
<does> not make sense, <it> may
be necessary <to check> the
<statistical> .
Toledo, <locating> <in the>
centre of Spain, is <encircled>
<by the> Tagus River.
<Surgical> apparatus <has to> be
capable <of> great <precise> .
The dove nurtured her <young>
until <them> were <old enough>
to hunt <for themselves> .
As they grow older, <children>
<taught> <not to> rely <on
their> parents.
Drivers have the responsibility
not <endangering> <the lives> of
people <and of> animals <on>
the road.
The letter <that> was <sent> by
<special delivery> must be
<importance> .
<What> happens during a
person's <formulate> years may
<affect> the rest of <that>
person's life.
<The gerund> in English is
normally <formed> by adding
"ing" <to> the <basically> form
of the verb.
People <tend to> become
<irritate> and <short-tempered>
whenever they get <overtired> .
<People living> in cities <are>
often <sophisticated> than people
in <rural areas> .
Disneyworld <was built> on ,
<acres> of <in part> swamp land
<in central> Florida.
<Soaring> <medicinally> costs
have a <direct> influence on the
cost of <other merchandise> .
Edward Hall, a professor of
anthropology, first commented
<on> people's <strong feelings>
<about> <personnel> space.
<The nucleus> of an ordinary
comet <is> a mile <but> two
<in> diameter.
George Gershwin <believed
that> music <should express> the
thoughts, and feelings of <their
own time> <in> history.
Some senior citizens have to
<cope with> arthritis and <other>
<physical difficulties> of <aged>
, in addition to psychological and
social problem.
The workers <repairing> the road
<surface> are wearing
<specially> jackets <for> easy
One of the most important
<discovery> of the nineteenth
century <was> a method <of
using> natural gas for cooking
and <heating> .
The Netherlands, a country with
<much of> the land <lying>
lower than sea level, <have> a
system of dikes and canals <for
controlling> water.
The <movement of> ocean
waves <can be compared> to the
waves <caused by> the wind in a
<field or grass> .
Only after they <themselves>
<become> parents, <do> people
realize the difficulties <of
raised> children.
<Aviators> , <fishing> , and
sailors are among those <who>
<rely on> weather predictions.
Mohandas K. Gandhi, who was
called Mahatma, lived a noble
life of <fasting> and <poverty>
in order to work for <peaceful>
and <independence> .
<Soybean> , which <sometimes>
grow seven feet tall, <have>
thick, <woody> stems.
A Venus' Flytrap <is a> small
plant that <have> leaves that
<snap> together <like> traps.
The Last of the Mohicans <are>
<a> famous book about
<frontier> life by <the>
American author James Fenimore
A fever, the <elevations> of body
temperature above .° F, is
<considered> <to be> a symptom
of a disorder rather than a disease
<in itself> .
Lacrosse in a ballgame played
<on> a <field> <outdoors>
<similar> soccer.
The <manufactural> of ice cream
in the United States <on> a
<commercial> <scale> began in .
People with two family
<members> <which> suffer heart
attacks before fifty-five <are
likely to> have early heart attacks
<themselves> .
Children's games, which are
amusements <involve> more
than one individual, <appear> to
be a <cultural> <universal> .
groups will sometimes kidnap
foreign diplomats and <keep>
them as <hostages> until the
government <meets> certain
<demanding> .
The first year of a child's life
<is> <characterized> <in> rapid
<physical> growth.
A <fair> <trial> is <guarantee>
by <the> American Constitution.
Khaki is <a cloth> <made in
linen> or cotton and <dyed> a
<dusty> color.
Miami, Florida is <among> the
few cities in the United States
<that> <has been awarded>
official status <as> bilingual
<No other> quality is more
important <for> a scientist to
acquire <as> to observe
<carefully> .
After <the police> had tried
<unsuccessfully> to determine to
<who> the car belonged, they
towed <it> into the station.
Fertilizers <are used>
<primarily> to enrich <soil> and
<increasing> yield.
If the ozone gases of the
atmosphere <did not filter out>
the ultraviolet rays of the sun, life
<as> we know <it> would not
have evolved <on earth> .
everyone <who> <holds> a
nonimmigrant visa <reports>
<his> address to the federal
government in January of each
The statement <will be spoken>
just one time; therefore, you must
listen <very careful> in order <to
understand> <what> the speaker
has said.
<Every> woman <should vote>
<for> the candidate of <their
choice> .
manufacturers who <previously>
produced only a large, luxury car
<is> compelled <to make> <a
smaller model> in order to
compete in the market.
the country the person <which>
<was recommended> by the
president <to replace> a
<retiring> justice on the Supreme
Court is a woman.

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