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Rheumatic Heart Disease / Valvular Heart

A history of rheumatic fever (RF) is present in 30 to
50 percent of patient. Symptoms of VHD do not usually
occur until at least 2 and usually 20 or more years after
attack of RF
Etiology : Group A Streptococcal beta haemoliticus
Port d’entry
Symptoms : RF CA- PO- CH- E- S

VHD: exertional dyspnea, palpitations,

fatigue, arrhytmias.
Prophylactic therapy
Problematik tindakan gigi pada kelainan

- Screening px sebelum tindakan :

- anamnestik “angina”

- riwayat hipertensi,aritmia,sesak nafas,berdebar

- riwayat P.J.K

- Anestesi local
takikardi dan vasokonstriksi
( injeksi adrenaline )

- Nyeri
- Kecemasan

Profilaksis terapi

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