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Richard Dent & Josh Doggart

The first idea Richard had was; two men see one pence on the ground they both go for it,
then there is a “good the bad the ugly” (eye) scene where the camera goes close to both
men and gets closer to their eyes such as in Edgar Wright's Hot Fuzz before a lot of the
fight scenes, then it goes into a chase scene having little comedic parts throughout and
at the ending.

Josh’s idea was about a man who has taken some sort of drug and he goes onto the street
then gets into a fight with some people, but because he is on drugs we were going to make
it look like the fight scenes from scott pilgrim vs the world again directed by Edgar
Wright. And so the man believes he is an elite fighter creating images in his head, while
in reality he is stumbling about on the street swinging. Perhaps there is awesome upbeat
music while he is fighting in his head, and then the music stops and all you can hear is
the sound of his pathetic swings hitting the air. Then we decided to work together and mix
the two ideas so it will be a chase scene/ fight scene both made like Edgar wright

The two characters will have no weapons and appear to be ordinary people. We were thinking
that they were opposites for example a rich man and perhaps a homeless man. This would
lead to a deeper meaning behind the fighting and could possibly represent society as a
whole. The short film will switch from chase to fight scene, as they move in to different
locations. We want plenty of cool beauty shots to give the film an extra slick and


● Edgar Wright For both me and Josh, we both love his films and would love to make a short film to try and capture the
same effect.
● We watched Hot Fuzz and throughout the film we were analysing it including the shots, sound and the lighting seeing how
we could take that and put it into our own work.
● I would say we have always wanted to make an Edgar wright related short film.
● I’ve wanted to do a fight scene for quite a while and whilst watching multiple fight scenes from Edgar Wright’s
Cornetto trilogy and also Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.


● We wanted a challenge and as we have never even attempted a fight scene before, it will be a difficult project to bring
together. We also think it will be easier to document our progress if we are learning how to choreograph a fight scene
from scratch.
● Action movies with great fight scenes are badass and it's something we both have an eagerness to try for ourselves.
● The Deadpool film is another great example of action mixed with comedy and is another film we need to look at in depth
if we are going to create the same theme within a short film.
● Another important film to look at would be kick-ass. (Both 1 and 2) Use of irregular music to add to comedy while
keeping the fight scene pretty intense with the action. There are also the odd funny one liners to add to the comedy.
● One shot scenes such as hallway fight scene in Marvel's daredevil (season 1), this scene is a
breathtaking 3 minute shot of an amazing fight scene. The camera never leaves the secluded
hallway while some of the action goes off camera and then appears back into shot in dramatic
and cool fashion.
● 3 quick shot succession theme. (eg. pov shot of attacker, point of view of victim of the
attack, and reaction shot of the impact happening.) This is used in Kick-ass, in the first
real fight scene where he protects the stranger.
● Camera work can vary from being shaky; to add to the pace and action in the middle of the
fight scene, to still and motionless to add intensity before it begins. For example, before
the chase scene in Hot fuzz (chasing the shoplifter) there are many points where the camera
stops dead and is motionless while the characters get ready to run. This happens twice in the
same scene.
● Continuous tracking shots like in the fight scene from Creed, this is also a great example of
one shot fights. But tracks the action constantly within the ring. The shots are so close the
the action you can feel the intensity. The camera is relatively still in this fight since it
isn’t a fight to the death but a boxing match. So the camera is controlled to keep it within
the realistic action of a boxing match. Within this scene the 180 degrees rule is broken
constantly on purpose, it is almost like a point of view sometimes and others the camera man
moves to create a wide shot, so it is constantly changing. (See next slide for the scene)

Shot ideas and continuity

What can we take from analysing great fight
Obviously We cannot create something on the same level as
deadpool and Kick-ass ect, but what we can do, is take
snippets from the great fight scenes they have and use
similar techniques in filming and editing to make our short
film a success. We will do this for a lot of the films we
have talked about in this presentation. Edgar Wright's films
contain realistic fight scenes (the ones without guns) So we
have been looking at how they relay the action on camera to
make it look cool and work smoothly, while still having
comedy features throughout the film. We will also be using a
similar edit theme for example, loud noises end and begin
scenes, quick snappy shots even when nothing interesting is
happening to keep the audience engaged. (Next slide for
Richard Dent-Director of photography, producer and editor, Co-choreographer.
Josh Doggart-Director and scriptwriter. Co-choreographer.

Key roles we will need to find in other people.

● Actors that know how to film fight. They may be hard to find, but if we do find the
right person it could improve the final product so much more; though we do not want
to have to rely on actors to make the film good. So that means we have to have extra
quality in the choreography of the scenes regardless if we end up getting a couple of
good fight actors.
● An additional camera operator to help out with extra shots at the same time. We will
have set shots for each camera operator to capture.
● An additional lighting operator to be in charge of the lights themselves in the
scenes they are needed in. We (Me and Richard) will inform the operator of what we
are looking for and they will help out with conducting a set up within the
requirements for the scene.
● Sound will also need to be captured on set at the same time as shooting so an extra
pair of hands for that would be useful for the boom/radio mic setup.
What locations are we looking for?
● We have decided that we want at least 3 different
locations to have access to. We want to film in a
secluded hallway type area, which contains little space
and is perfect for filming one shot scenes.
● A relatively urban place to begin the chase/fight scene.
● A suburban place perhaps a wood or river type location.
Brief Summary of what we want to create

We are looking for a high paced chase and fight scene with a
ton of artsy and nice looking shots. With perhaps some comedy
on the side as we will not have time for an in depth
character build.

We will be looking to take; the humour and quick shot editing

from Edgar wright's films, although still having the one shot
like action scenes from Daredevil and Creed, and perhaps some
of the silly one liners and cool fan pleasing slow motion
shots, from kick-ass and Deadpool.

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