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By Foundation Be
animal Heroes

Borges Aguilar Rebeca

Flores Esquivel Brian Jonathan
Flores Esquivel Leslie Chantal
Martínez Vargas Jacqueline
Mendoza Caballero José David
1st. April 2017 Sánchez Muñoz Elizabeth
Nowadays, there are many animals in danger of
extinction, the most because of poaching,
destruction of their habitat or climate change. We
can create a really change in this, and we think
that one very funny way and the more significant
Asian elephant
 Mainly endangered due to deforestation of their habitat and to poaching
to obtain the valuable ivory of their tusks.
 Currently ivory trade is prohibited, but it is still practiced on the black
 Causes of extinction:
 The main reason that Asian elephants are in danger of extinction is lack of
habitat or deforestation.
 Secondly excessive hunting since the teeth and tusks of the elephants are
Mexican gray wolf
 The situation of this kind of wolf is more than critical. Forty years ago, in the
mid-70s, it was declared an endangered species. Today, despite
conservation efforts, it has completely disappeared in the wild. The few
who remain alive are kept in captivity. The cause of his death has been
mainly human action as it this wolf was a threat for flocks.
 Causes of extinction:
 The extinction has been largely because of persistent control to eliminate
these animals so they would not attack the cattle.

 Two main factors are threatening the jaguar, and both are motivated by
human action. First, the jaguars are hunted for their fur, a prized trophy. It is
also the enemy of farmers, who expand their territories near jaguars and
often defend their flock killing the potential predators.
 Causes of extinction:
 Hunting
 Destruction of habitat
Black-Footed Ferret
 North American Great Plains
 Number remaining: about 1,000
 The continent's only native ferret is one of its most
endangered mammals. In 1986, there were only 18
individuals left, but the species is clawing back.
 Causes of extinction:
 Mainly due to the control of the prairie dog (which is
the main component of its diet) and wild pests.
Javan rhinoceros
 Hunted especially for the properties of its horn used in traditional Chinese
medicine and as decoration. There were only about 29 of these animals in
the island of Java, Indonesia, in 2012.
 Causes of extinction:
 - Deforestation.
 - Poaching. It is the main factor responsible for their extinction, since their
horns have a great value.
 - The loss of their habitat in Southeast Asia is the result of wars, such as the
Vietnam War.
Snow leopard
 This species is threatened by the invasion of its habitat by humans: China,
Pakistan, India, Nepal. Living in a setting like the Himalayas has not
prevented their number from falling to less than 5 thousand. This feline can
live at altitudes over 6,000 m. Their skin is also used in trade and they feed
on farm animals at times, so they are hunted when this occurs.
 Causes of extinction:
 The increase in temperature can raise the forest boundary and also cause
crops and pastures to reach higher altitudes, further restricting the area
of habitats left to the snow leopard.
 Is endangered by climate change due to the fragility of its high mountain
Every acre we Greenpeace states its goal
The leading is to "ensure the ability of
protect, every river
organization in mile restored, every
the Earth to nurture life in
all its diversity"[5] and
wildlife species brought back focuses its campaigning
conservation and from the brink, on worldwide issues such
begins with you. as climate change,
endangered deforestation,
species. Your support will overfishing, commercial
help make a lasting whaling, genetic
difference around engineering, and anti-
the world in more nuclear issues.
than 70 countries.
The Foundation acts Pronatura México is an Organization focused
directly on the environmental on the recovery of the
GROUND through aid organization with a long population of the Red
to shelters, RESCUE and recognized history Guacamaya in
in the country, whose
animals, sterilization mission is to conserve
Palenque, Chiapas
campaigns of stray the flora, fauna and
animals and priority ecosystems,
assistance to promoting the
homeless people. development of society
in harmony with nature.
created a big concert, whit recognized bands of
rock, which have joined to this cause. The funds will
be used in different organizations focused in
endangered species conservation.
During the concert the people will be invited to
take actions for help this cause, like:

 Avoid the poaching

 Reduce the pollution, trash

 Plant trees

 Protect forest

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