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- There are 1 million species under threat of extinction because of humans,

biodiversity report finds. A species is classified as endangered when its
population has declined between 50 and 70 percent.
The 10 most endangered animals in 2022 are: Javan Rhinocerous, Vaquita,
Mountain Gorilla, Tiger, Asian Elephant, Orangutans, Leatherback turtles,
Snow Leopards, Irrawaddy Dolphins, Bluefin Tuna.

- The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the survival of these species, and
to educate people on living sustainably with other species. They are living
things, unique and amazing species and we have to do everything we can to
protect them and save them from extinction. The disappearance of certain
species indicates that the world is geting worse every year, and humans are not
doing what they have to. Developing protective areas such as national parks,
wildlife sanctuaries to protect the animals in their natural habitat. The
endangered species can be kept in captivity in places such as local sanctuaries
and bred to increase their population. The cutting of forests should be strictly
prohibited, all living things need oxygen to survive. You can help reduce this
threat by planting native trees, restoring wetlands or cleaning up beaches in
your area.

- For me it would be very sad not to see these beautiful animals moving in their
environment never again. I believe humans must have a positive influence on
maintaining the natural world, because wildlife provides balance and stability
to nature’s processes. So, let´s do our best to save them.

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