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What is an earthquake ?
 An earthquake is a sudden,rapid shaking of the earth caused by the breaking and shifting of
rocK beneath the earth’s surface.

How an earthquake begins:

Most earthquakes occur along a fault.
Stresses in the earth cause large blocks of rock along a fault to strain or bend.
When the stresses on the rock become great enough,the rock breaks and snaps into a new
position,causing the shaking of an earthquake.
The point where the rocks first break is called the focus,also known as hypocenter of the
The point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus is known as the epicenter of the
quake.The strongest shaking is usually felt near the epicenter.

 Ground sliding  Differential settlement

 Ground Tilting  Liquefaction

Principles of good building construction:
 Planning and layout of the building involving consideration of the location of rooms and walls,
openings such as doors and windows, the number of storeys , etc. At this stage, site and foundation
aspects should also be considered.
 Structures should not be brittle or collapse suddenly. Rather, they should be tough, able to deflect or
deform a considerable amount.
 Resisting elements, such as bracing or shear walls, must be provided evenly throughout the building,
in both directions side-to-side, as well as top to bottom.
 All materials used should be of good quality, and protected from rain, sun, insects and other
weakening actions, so that their strength lasts.
 The building must be well connected to a good foundation and the earth
 All elements, such as walls and the roof, should be tied together so as to act as an integrated unit
during earthquake shaking
 Wet, soft soils should be avoided, and the foundation must be well tied together, as well as tied to the

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