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what is free radicals?

Free radicals is a highly reactive molecular species with no

electrons pairs.Can react with and modifying proteins,nucleic
acids,fatty acids in cell membranes and plasma lipoprotein.

Radical damage on lipid and protein in plasma lipoprotein is one

factor of risk for arterosklerosis and coronary artery disease,radical
damage of nucleic acid can induce the mutation decreases and
cancer,radical damage of protein can cause autoimmune disease.
Ascorbic,uric acid and a variety of plant polyphenol work as a
radical trap antioxidant water-soluble,forming a relatively stable
radical and contained in long tie enough to have reaction and become
non-radical product

What is antioxidant?
Antioxidant is compounds that can inhibit the oxidation because it
bind with free radical and molecules that very form of
reactive oxygen is free radical,these compounds are formed in the body
and triggered by various factors.
Free molecules surrounding will cause some reaction that
bind,which then produce a new radical compounds
The role of antioxdant and pro-oxidant:

 Antioxidant :
ascorbic + O2 H2O2 + monodehidroaskorbat
reaction : 2H2O2 2H2O + O2
Askorbat + OH- H2O + monodehidroaskorbat

 Pro-oxidant :
askorbic + O2 O2- + monodehidroaskorbat
askorbic + Cu Cu+ + monodehidroaskorbat
Cu+ + H2O2 Cu2+ + OH- + OH-

• Carotene

• Vitamin E

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