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-This is simple, straightforward listening, The

speaker intends to get a message across, and
the listener·s goal should be to understand that
message as completely as possible.


-The purpose of this type of listening is to

improve the relationship between two or more
people. This kind of listening skill is most often
known in a romantic relationship, but it·s also a
big part of friendships and family relationships.
-In this type of listening, the speaker expresses
her feelings, and the listeners job is to process
the information before responding.
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-This could be the most challenging type of
listening because the listener·s role is often not
to respond at all. The speaker who seeks
sympathetic listening might have suffered a
tragedy or needs someone to listen to a series
of complex thoughts.
-The case, it·s best for the listener to refrain
from offering suggestions or clouding up the
speaker·s thoughts.
-This is one of the most enjoyable types of
listening, and it comes naturally for many
people. There aren·t a lot responses necessary
in appreciative listening, though groups of
listeners might often talk among themselves to
process the experience.
-Appreciative listening is most often used when
people listen to music, plays, concerts or other

-To comment upon a conversation or a piece of
audio work in a critical way, listeners need to
use their critical-listening skills.
-These skills are developed at a young age in
most children, who are instructed to listen to
teachers· instruction and follow them carefully.
-Critical listening is a complex process that can
involve paying carefully attention to the
speakers·tones , inflections and word choices.
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p. Knowing the answer
2. Trying to be helpful
3. Treating Discussion as
4. Trying to influence or impress
5. Reacting to red flag words
6. Believing in language
7. Mixing up the forest and the trees
8. Over-splitting or over-lumping
-µKnowing the answerµ means that you already
know what the speaker wants to say, before she
actually finishes saying it. You might then
impatiently cut her off or try to complete the
sentence for her.
-A good listener tries to keep an open, receptive
mind. He looks for opportunities to sketch his
mind when listening and acquire new ideas or
insights, rather than reinforcing existing points
of view.
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-If you as a listener step in and heroically offer

your solution, you·re more capable of seeing
the solution than the speaker is.
-An old Zen proverb says, ¶·When walk, walk,
When eating, eat.·· in other words, give your
whole attention to whatever you·re doing. Its
worth emphasizing that the goal of good
listening is simply to listen.
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-Tr ti g isc ssi sc titi is ft
st s ri s rri rs t g list i g. It gr tly
i i its t list r fr str tc i g s i g
iff r t i t f vi . It c ls fr str ti g f r
t s r.
-S l f l t t gr i g it t s r
ri g t isc ssi is sig f ss.
T yf lc ll t c ll g v ry i t t
s r s, v if i r ly gr . isc ssi
t c s c t st, it sc r i g t
f r i st st i ts y rg i g.
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-Because good listening depends on listening just
for the sake o listening, any ulterior motive will
diminish the effectiveness of the listener.
Examples of ulterior motives are trying to impress
or to influence the speaker. A listener with an
ulterior motive, such as to influence or impress the
speaker, will probably use the spare capacity to
think about his ¶·next move·· in the conversation-
his rebuttal or what he will say next when the
speaker is finished-instead of focusing on
understanding the speaker.
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-Red flag words or expressions trigger an
unexpectedly strong association in the
listener·s mind, often because of the listener·s
private beliefs or experiences. Red flag words
don·t always provoke emotional reactions,
sometimes they just cause slight disagreement
or misunderstandings. Whenever a listener
finds himself disagreeing or reacting, he should
be on the lookout for red flag words or


-One of the trickiest barriers is ´believing in

language··³a misplaced trust in the precision
of words. Language is a guessing game.
peaker and listener use language to predict
what each other is thinking. Meaning must
always be actively negotiated.
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-When trying to communicate complex

information, the speaker needs to accurately
shift between forest and trees in order to show
how the details fit into the big picture. However,
speakers often forget to use ¶·turn indicators··
to signal that they are shifting from one to
another, which can cause confusion or
misunderstanding for listener.

- peakers have the styles of organizing thoughts

when explaining complex situations. ome
speakers, ¶·splitters··, tend to pay more
attention to how things are different. Other
speakers, ¶·lumpers··, tend to look for how
things are alike. Perhaps this is matter of
-If the speaker and listener are on opposite
sides of the splitter-lumper spectrum, the
different mental styles can cause confusion or
lack of understanding.
-Its important to achieve a good balance
between splitting (critical thinking) and lumping
(metaphorical thinking). Even more important is
for the listener to recognize when the speaker
is splitting and when she is lumping.
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p. Knowing the answer
2. Trying to be helpful
3. Treating Discussion as
4. Trying to influence or impress
5. Reacting to red flag words
6. Believing in language
7. Mixing up the forest and the trees
8. Over-splitting or over-lumping
E ppKB3


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