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1. It is the science of human mind in any of its aspect, operation,
powers, or functions.
a. Psychology b. Psychiatry
c. Psychologist d. Human Psychology
2. It is the sum total of an individual’s mental, emotional and
temperamental make-up.
a. Psychology b. Psychiatry
c. Personality d. Temperament
3. It is man’s behavior tendency or an individual’s personality is his
total being.
a. Psychology b. Psychiatry
c. Personality d. Temperament
4. Characterized by dissociation, a failure to integrate information
about one’s personal identity, memories, sensation, and states of
consciousness into a unified whole.
a. Phobia b. Anxiety Disorders
c. Panic Disorder d. Dissociative Disorders
5. Are mental illnesses in which person experiences an abnormally
high level of anxiety over a long period of time.
a. Phobia b. Anxiety Disorders
c. Panic Disorder d. Dissociative Disorders
6. It is an intense, overpowering surge of fear.
a. Phobia b. Anxiety Disorders
c. Panic Disorder d. Dissociative Disorders
7. It is an excessive, enduring fear of clearly defined objects or
situations that interferes with a person’s normal functioning.
a. Phobia b. Anxiety Disorders
c. Panic Disorder d. Dissociative Disorders
8. A person persistently experience certain intrusive thoughts or
images or feel compelled to perform certain behaviors .
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. Post-traumatic stress disorder-
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Phobias
9. Sometimes occurs after people experience traumatic or catastrophic events, such as
physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, accidents, and wars.
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. Post-traumatic stress disorder-
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Phobias
10. Feel anxious most of the time.
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. Post-traumatic stress disorder-
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Phobias
11. Intense and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity.
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. Post-traumatic stress disorder-
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Phobias
12. When people slack off from using their best common sense. It is the belief that
you’re so truly smart, that you don’t need to extent any effort to prove it.
a. Self-handicapping
b. Multiplicity of personality
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
13. Is the multiple personality to evade criminal liability, like (john Wayne Gacy).
a. Self-handicapping
b. Multiplicity of personality
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
14. Is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image,
emotional adjustments, and marked impulsivity demonstrated in a variety of contexts?
a. Self-handicapping
b. Multiplicity of personality
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
15. Is when a person has illogical and irresistible thoughts or impulses that they
consider absurd and attempt to resist. It is characterized by obsessions and
a. Self-handicapping
b. Multiplicity of personality
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
16. A kind of sexual deviation wherein a person obtains sexual gratification with
animals or by means of anus of human beings.
a. Buggery b. Pedophilia
c. Fetishism d. Transvestism
17. An erotic love and feelings normally through sex with children.
a. Buggery b. Pedophilia
c. Fetishism d. Transvestism
18. A sexual deviation found in male achieving sexual arousal through some
objects such as part of the female clothing’s or part of the body of the female
to produce orgasm.
a. Buggery b. Pedophilia
c. Fetishism d. Transvestism
19. A sexual deviation found in male who obtain pleasure by wearing female
a. Buggery b. Pedophilia
c. Fetishism d. Transvestism
20. Sexual intercourse through the anus of another human being.
a. Sodomy b. Bestiality
c. Tribadism or Lesbianism d. Indecent Exposure and
21. Willful exposure in public of one’s genital in the presence of another person usually
of the opposite sex.
a. Sodomy b. Bestiality
c. Tribadism or Lesbianism d. Indecent Exposure and Exhibitionism
22. Sexual copulation with an animal.
a. Sodomy b. Bestiality
c. Tribadism or Lesbianism d. Indecent Exposure and
23. A sexual gratification of a woman to another woman.
a. Sodomy b. Bestiality
c. Tribadism or Lesbianism d. Indecent Exposure and
24. A sexual deviation where sexual gratification is attained by licking the
external female genetalia.
a. Cunnilingus b. Frottage
c. Partialism d. Troilism
25. A kind of sexual perversion attained by rubbing or pressing against the
body of the opposite sex the sex organ to obtain orgasm.
a. Cunnilingus b. Frottage
c. Partialism d. Troilism
26. The sexual deviation is characterized by special affinity to certain part of the
female anatomy, sometimes the breast, buttocks, etc. to satisfy the sexual desire.
a. Cunnilingus b. Frottage
c. Partialism d. Troilism
27. This sexual deviation is also known as “ménage a trios” which
means three persons participate in a sexual intercourse.
a. Cunnilingus b. Frottage
c. Partialism d. Troilism
28. A sexual deviation towards an opposite sex with pain as source
of sexual gratification.
a. Algolagnia b. Voyeurism
c. Pluralism d. Mixoscopia
29. Known as peeping Tom. Most often after peeping,
masturbation follows.
a. Algolagnia b. Voyeurism
c. Pluralism d. Mixoscopia
30. This is allied to voyeurism and is manifested to be a sexual
a. Algolagnia b. Voyeurism
c. Pluralism d. Mixoscopia
31. It refers to a cultural fusion in which two groups blend
their cultures so that they become one.
a. assimilation b. Acculturation
c. Amalgamation d. Social Movements
32. When two or more persons or groups are interacting
and in contact with each other, the chance is that both
groups will learn and adopt some of the traits and pattern
of behavior of the group.
a. assimilation b. Acculturation
c. Amalgamation d. Social Movements
33. Is both a cause and effect of acculturation and
assimilation. It refers to the inter-marriage of persons
coming from different ethnic groups resulting in some kind
of biological fusion
a. assimilation b. Acculturation
c. Amalgamation d. Social Movements
34. Refers to those activities in which people unite in an
organized long-term effort to change their society or in
which they resist and express their dissatisfaction with
existing orders through outright and prolonged actions.
a. assimilation b. Acculturation
c. Amalgamation d. Social Movements
35. Is that branch of psychology which investigates the
psychology of crime with particular reference to the personality
factors of the criminal.
a. Criminal Psychology
b. The Moffit development of crime and delinquency
c. Development theory
d. none of these
36. Indicating the signs of persistent antisocial behavior can be
detected early in life, as early as the pre-school years, and
extends to the idea that adolescent deviant behavior is greatly
influenced by the behavior of peer groups even after parental
variable are taken into account.
a. Criminal Psychology
b. The Moffit development of crime and delinquency
c. Development theory
d. none of these
37. Development theory – is about normal human development,
or growing up sometimes known as “child” or “adolescent”
a. Criminal Psychology
b. The Moffit development of crime and delinquency
c. Development theory
d. none of these
38. It changes the whole social order, changing the
goals and replacement of the institutionalized
means to achieve the goals. This movement also
believes the use of radical and violent means to
achieve goals.
a. Revolutionary b. Conservative
c. Reformist d. Reactionary
39. It introduces a specific type of social change in
different areas of life-religious, political, economic or
a. Revolutionary b. Conservative
c. Reformist d. Reactionary
40. Reactionary – attempts to preserve the
traditional values and social relationship.
a. Revolutionary b. Conservative
c. Reformist d. Reactionary
41. It seeks to maintain the status quo.
a. Revolutionary b. Conservative
c. Reformist d. Reactionary
42. In the Intelligence Quotient and their
Interpretation, 0-20 means?
a. Profoundly retarded b. Superior
c. Gifted d. Very Superior
43. In the Intelligence Quotient and their
Interpretation, 141-160 means?
a. Profoundly retarded b. Superior
c. Gifted d. Very Superior
44. In the Intelligence Quotient and their
Interpretation, 161-180 means?
a. Profoundly retarded b. Superior
c. Gifted d. Very Superior
45. In the Intelligence Quotient and their
Interpretation, 121-140 means?
a. Profoundly retarded b. Superior
c. Gifted d. Very Superior
46. Studied a family known as the Kallikaks. He traced
this criminal family’s history back six generations to the
illegitimate offspring of a “feebleminded” barmaid.
a. Henry H. Goddard b. Goddard
c. Richard Dugdale d. Pedigree
47. He saw feeblemindedness as the breeding ground for
a. Henry H. Goddard b. Goddard
c. Richard Dugdale d. Pedigree
48. He trace the ancestry of a family as the Jukes. He
found that not only the current members always in trouble
with the law, but that the family history extensively
included pauperism, prostitution, fornication, illegitimacy,
and degeneracy.
a. Henry H. Goddard b. Jonathan Edward
c. Richard Dugdale d. Pedigree
49.The family of ______ traced that no one of descendants
was found to be criminal. Many became Presidents, U.S
governors and members of the supreme courts?
a. Henry H. Goddard b. Jonathan Edward
c. Richard Dugdale d. Pedigree
50. Is the process of tracing the family tree of criminals to
see if the genealogy contains examples of family ancestors
with low intelligence.
a. Henry H. Goddard b. Jonathan Edward
c. Richard Dugdale d. Pedigree
51. Is a turning point in the course of anything, decisive or
crucial time, stage or event.
a. problem b. hazard
c. crisis d. risk
52. It is the act or manner of managing, handling decisive
or crucial time, stage or event.
a. problem management b. hazard management
c. crisis management d. risk management

53. It is influenced by the outside causes or factors.

Examples are: Threat or threats to one’s life and or family
including property?
a. External crisis b. Internal crisis
c. Outside Crisis d. Inside Crisis
54. Those that are caused by the individual’s psychological,
emotional, personal, financial, economic, moral, spiritual,
cultural, occupational and other internal distress, examples
are: Family Tragedy/s Death of loved ones?
a. External crisis b. Internal crisis
c. Outside Crisis d. Inside Crisis

55. Arise from natural phenomena. Rarely can be done to

prevent this type of hazards. Are as follows: flood earthquakes?
a. Natural Hazards (crisis)
b. Human or Man Made Disaster (crisis)
c. Structural Disaster
d. All of these
56. It is the result of the state of mind, attitude, weakness,
or character traits of a person or group of persons?
a. Natural Hazards (crisis)
b. Human or Man Made Disaster (crisis)
c. Structural Disaster
d. All of these
57. A person who is held as a security for the fulfillment of
certain term or demands?
a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker (HT)
c. Negotiate d. Hostage Situation (HS)

58. A situation where persons are held as hostage by

hostage taker.
a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker (HT)
c. Negotiate d. Hostage Situation (HS)

59. To arrange or settle by conferring or discussing?

a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker (HT)
c. Negotiate d. Hostage Situation (HS)

60. A person holds other people as hostage.

a. Hostage b. Hostage Taker (HT)
c. Negotiate d. Hostage Situation (HS)

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