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1. Meidita Ajeng Navianda (165080101111030)
2. Nindah Afiska Permata Sari (165080101111034)
3. Gilang Wisnugroho (165080101111036)
4. Nabila Anjani (165080101111046)
Describe of Why are white
White whale whales Hunted

Negative Effect
of Whaling

Positive Effect
of Ending
and solution
Whale Hunting
Describe of White whale
Why are white whales

o In many other cultures, the skin and fat off a white whales is a
traditional food
o In Alaska whale hunting was once done in order to make
products such as whale oil soap and canned meat
o Some hunters do not kill the whale for any specific reason
other than for sport
Negative Effect of Whaling

- The whale population is dwindling which includes beluges

white whale
- The food system will fall upside down with the lost of this
- Massive krill and bottom –Dwelling animal surplus
Positive Effect of Ending Whale Hunting

• There will be more heraes in the sea
• The food can will remainstable world wide
• Economis will continue to grow
Conclussion and solution

White whale hunting tradition should be stopped because of a

white whale (all whale) need to be protected because whale excrement
contains iron which is the main food phytoplankton, while it serves to
absorb carbon dioxide plankton. If extinct whale marine ocean adity.
Audification damaging the shells caused acid rain. And the white whale is
mammal protected. We think white whale hunt must be banned, because
the first reason the whale is endangered and protected in the word . And
the other reason is because the whale’s feces can reduce C02 in the sea.

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