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Real Name Name in Music Video Age Costume Suitbale for role? Why?

Stephen Mulonso 6ix 19 Black jeans, hoodie, or Acting ad natural

bomber jacket (hipster personality is similar. Would
look) be the perfect model to fit
into the UK rap and Hip Hop
genre. He is familiar with
the genre and is aware of
the persona he needs to
carry out for the music

Cj’jay Knight Jay’C 18 Jumper, jeans, trainers Familiar the UK rap and hip
hop music. He understands
how to dress and act in
order to cater for the genre

Aaron Smith Not applicable 15 Jumper, jeans or Younger actor to play the
tracksuit and trainers. artist which is needed to
perform the flashbacks. He
also listens to UK rap music

Lauryn James Not apllicable 15 Dress or jeans Younger females to play the
role of the younger boy’s
girlfriend. She is there to
influence the narrative in
making sense

Keith Eytle Not applicable 19 Jumpers, jeans Friend of six

Alicia Charles Not applicable 18 Dress or jeans Friend of six

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