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Implemented & Deployed by:

Prakash Gyamlani
(MCA, DAC, ‘A’ Level)
Senior Software Engineer
AmpliFlex Softwares (P) Ltd

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 1

 Agenda
 What is JDBC?
 Step By Step Usage of JDBC API
 DataSource & Connection Pooling
 Transaction
 Prepared and Callable Statements

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 2

What is JDBC?
 Standard Java API for accessing
relational database
 Hides database specific details from

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 3

 Defines a set of Java Interfaces, which are
implemented by vendor-specific JDBC Drivers
 – Applications use this set of Java interfaces for
performing database operations – portability
 Majority of JDBC API is located in java.sql package
 – DriverManager, Connection, ResultSet,
DatabaseMetaData, ResultSetMetaData,
PreparedStatement, CallableStatement and Types.
 Other advanced functionality exists in the javax.sql
 – DataSource

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 4

JDBC Driver
 Database specific implemention of
JDBC interfaces
 – Every database server has
corresponding JDBC driver(s)
 You can see the list of available
drivers from
 –

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 5

Database URL
 Used to make a connection to the database
 – Can contain server, port, protocol etc…
 jdbc:subprotocol_name:driver_dependant_databas
 Oracle thin driver
 jdbc:oracle:thin:@machinename:1521:dbname

 Derby
 jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample

 Pointbase
 jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/sample

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 6

Steps of Using JDBC

 1.Load DB-specific JDBC driver

 2.Get a Connection object
 3.Get a Statement object
 4.Execute queries and/or updates
 5.Read results
 6.Read Meta-data (optional step)
 7.Close Statement and Connection objects

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 7

1. Load DB-Specific Database
 To manually load the database driver and
register it with the DriverManager, load its class

 – Class.forName(<database-driver>)
try {
// This loads an instance of the Pointbase DB Driver.
// The driver has to be in the classpath.
}catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
System.out.println("" + cnfe);

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 8

2. Get a Connection Object
 DriverManager class is responsible for selecting the
database and creating the database connection.
 – Using DataSource is a prefered means of getting a
conection object (we will talk about this later)

 Create the database connection as follows:

try {
Connection connection =
e", “app"," app ");
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("" + sqle);

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 9

DriverManager & Connection
 java.sql.DriverManager
 getConnection(String url, String user, String
password)throws SQLException
 java.sql.Connection
 Statement createStatement() throws
 void close() throws SQLException
 void setAutoCommit(boolean b) throws
 void commit() throws SQLException
 void rollback() throws SQLException

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 10

3. Get a Statement Object

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 11

4. Executing Query or Update

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 12

5. Reading Results

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5. Reading Results (Continued)

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 14

6. Read ResultSet MetaData and
DatabaseMetaData (Optional)

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 15

ResultSetMetaData Example

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 16

DataSource &Connection

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Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 18

javax.sql.DataSource Interface
and DataSource Object

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Properties of DataSource

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 20

Where Are Properties of a
DataSource Defined?

• In JBOSS, they are defined in xxxx-ds.xml in

deploy folder
Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 21
JNDI Registration of a
DataSource (JDBC Resource)

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 22

JNDI Registration of a
DataSource Object

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 23

Why Connection Pooling?

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 24

Example: Retrieval of
DataSource Object via JNDI

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 25

Code of mssql-ds.xml used in
JBOSS Server
<!-- corresponding type-mapping in the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml (optional) -->
<type-mapping>MS SQLSERVER2000</type-mapping>

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 26

Code of Class which access DataSource
in case of JBOSS Server
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = null ;
ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:MSSQLDS");
Connection con = ds.getConection();
catch(SQLException se)
se.printStackTrace() ;
catch(Exception ex)
ex.printStackTrace() ;

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Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 29

JDBC Transaction Methods
– If set true, every executed statement is
committed immediately
● commit()
– Relevant only if setAutoCommit(false)
– Commit operations performed since the
opening of a Connection or last commit()
or rollback() calls
● rollback()
– Relevant only if setAutoCommit(false)
– Cancels all operations performed

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 30

Transactions Example
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = ds.getConnection(); //Previously explained through
Connection Pool
PreparedStatement updateQty =
connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE STORE_SALES SET
int [][] arrValueToUpdate =
{ {123, 500} ,
{124, 250},
{125, 10},
{126, 350} };

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 31

Transaction Example cont.
int iRecordsUpdate = 0;
for ( int items=0 ; items < arrValueToUpdate.length ;items++) {
int itemCode = arrValueToUpdate[items][0];
int qty = arrValueToUpdate[items][1];
iRecordsUpdate += updateQty.executeUpdate();
System.out.println(iRecordsUpdate + " record(s) have been
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("" + sqle);

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 32

Transaction Example cont.
try {
} catch(SQLException sqleRollback) {
System.out.println("" + sqleRollback);
}finally {
try {
catch(SQLException sqleClose) {
System.out.println("" + sqleClose);

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 33

Prepared & Callable Statements
The PreparedStatement interface inherits from Statement and
differs from it in two ways:
1. Instances of PreparedStatement contain an SQL
statement that has already been compiled. This is
what makes a statement "prepared."
2. The SQL statement contained in a
PreparedStatement object may have one or more IN
parameters. An IN parameter is a parameter whose
value is not specified when the SQL statement is created.
Instead, the statement has a question mark ("?") as a
placeholder for each IN parameter. The "?" is also known as
a parameter marker. An application must set a value for
each question mark in a prepared statement before
executing the prepared statement.

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What Are They?

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PreparedStatement cont.

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 37

PreparedStatement Steps

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 38

PreparedStatement Steps cont.

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 39

PreparedStatement Steps

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 40

PreparedStatement cont.

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Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 42

CallableStatement cont.

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 43

CallableStatement Example

Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 44

Thanks & Regards


Java DataBase Conectivity Tutorial 45

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