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Problem of Practice

Improving practice through inquiry
Identifying a POP
Review 3-4 pieces of data relevant to your problem

Identify a performance problem related to the instructional core.

Identify 3-4 observable symptoms of the overall problem (data)

Describe the problem in simple terms (1-2 sentences)

Our students demonstrate a superficial understanding of number concepts. While they are able to
complete basic algorithms, their understanding of the mathematical concepts is limited.

Our students, especially ELs, are rarely participating in critical reading tasks including collaborative
conversation about texts. When they do participate, they are only focusing on literal levels of
Considerations for a POP
When identifying a problem to address, consider the following:
1. What does the data suggest about our needs?
2. What can have the most positive effect on what students do, what teachers
do and the quality of the work that students are producing?
3. Is what we are considering as a “problem of practice” something that we can
4. Is what we are considering observable?
5. Is the “problem of practice” we are considering supportive of other school and
district efforts?
Analyze Problem/Diagnose Causes
Review your problem.

Brainstorm a list of all possible root causes. Keep challenging each other to ask

Review causes and identify those that best explain the why the problem persists
and occurs.

Identify the consequences of not solving the problem

Develop a Theory of Action
Formulate a theory of action for how to solve the problem you identify by attacking
root causes.

Identify specific actions to reduce or eliminate the effects of one or more of the
root causes

Articulate why the team believes these actions will lead to desired results

Construct an If/Then statement that communicates the theory of action

Design the Strategy
The strategy is the set of actions you will take to put your theory into practice and
solve the the problem you have identified

Identify set of actions to address the Theory of Action

Identify a reasonable timeline to consistently implement the action to achieve


Identify the specific short, medium and long term targets for the strategy.
Plan for Implementation
Identify steps to implement the strategy. Who will do what when?

Identify needed resources and training

Identify potential roadblocks as well as how to address them

Identify the benchmarks that will be measured throughout the process to assess

Identify how this data will be collected

Implement, Assess and Adapt:
Identify the ongoing supports that will be in place to help staff implement the strategy

Identify how the strategy can be revisited in PLC

Collect data and examine the following:

Are we making adequate progress towards solving our problem

Are we achieving the predetermined milestones

Are team member engaging productively in the activities that the strategy requires

Is the strategy selected effective?

Is the theory of action effective?

Was our diagnosis of root cause correct?

Adapt strategy based on data collection

Connecting your POP to Instructional
Schedule Instructional Rounds 4-5 times per year
Identify teams

Prior to walking classrooms, review observation norms. Revisit the POP and identify key observation
evidence. Identify levels of implementation.

Calibrate observation evidence, if needed

Visit classrooms in teams. Record evidence (provide standard record keeping templates)

Return to a debrief room. Transfer key observations onto post-its. Place on chart paper.


Teams report trends and patterns

Debrief/Next steps and recommendations

Instructional Rounds-Establish Norms
Establish norms as a team

Focus on descriptive, non evaluative feedback

Refrain from side conversations during observations

Maintain confidentiality

Speak in terms of trends, not individuals

Connection to PD/PLC
During the beginning of the year, use the POP to inform Professional

After Instructional Rounds, use the evidence and recommendation to conduct

ongoing PD.

Report trends to staff during Leadership and staff meetings for input and

During PLC, identify where in a lesson strategies should be incorporated.

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