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Prehistoric Asia refers to events in Asia during the
period of human existence prior to the invention
of writing systems or the documentation of
recorded history. This includes portions of the
Eurasian land mass currently or traditionally
considered as the continent of Asia.
The Yonaguni Monument
o Also known as "Yonaguni (Island) Submarine Ruins“

o Is a submerged rock formation off the coast of

Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in
Japan. It lies approximately a hundred kilometers east
of Taiwan.

Found near the south shore of Okinawa, Japan

in 1995, these fantastic underwater structures were at
first argued to have been fashioned by nature.
TheYonagumi monument is over 50m long in an east-
west direction and over 30m wide in a north-south
direction. The top of the structure lies about 5m
below sea level, whereas the base is approximately
25m below the surface.

The archway (left), has been

found composed of blocks
'beautifully fitted together' and
reminiscent of the masonry of the
Inca cities.
Other evidence presented by
those who favor an artificial origin
include the two round holes (about
2 feet wide) on the edge of the
Triangle Pool feature, and a straight
row of smaller holes which have
been interpreted as an
abandoned attempt to split off a
section of the rock by means of
wedges (see right), a feature
common in prehistory.
Bhimbetka rock shelters
◦The name Bhimbetka is associated with Bhima of the

◦The Bhimbetka rock shelters are an archaeological site

of the Palaeolithic period, which exhibit the earliest
traces of human life on the Indian subcontinent.

Located in the Raisen district of Madhya

Pradesh inside the Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary,
these are shelters which were inhabited by Homo
erectus or the upright man over 100,000 years

The drawings show that during this period the

cave dwellers of this area were engaged with the
agricultural communities of the plains and used to
exchange goods with them.

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