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A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Without a google map?

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Without a google map?

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Without a google map?

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?


Early navigators relied on

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?


Early navigators relied on

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?


Early navigators relied on

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?


Early navigators relied on

A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on ANIMAL PATTERNS
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on ANIMAL PATTERNS
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on ANIMAL PATTERNS
A long long time ago, in a land far far away….our ancestors lived
off the land and all of nature was their home. But say, after a
long productive hunt following game, how do they make it back
to their cave? How, after discovering a new more bountiful
frontier, do they relay the directions to others?

Early navigators relied on ANIMAL PATTERNS

They created well worn paths that eventually evolved into roads
and developed maps that charted the surrounding area.
Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.
Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.


Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.
Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.
Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.
Compasses, earlier versions made by the Chinese using bits of magnetized metal,
were especially handy during less than favourable navigating conditions i.e fog or
rain. Successive navigating tools are attributed to sea navigation but have found
many similar applications here.
The oldest known world map was made in
Babylon in the 6th century BC.
The oldest known world map was made in
Babylon in the 6th century BC.
The oldest known world map was made in
Babylon in the 6th century BC.
The oldest known world map was made in
Babylon in the 6th century BC.

The map shows Babylon in the center of a

world that extends no further than the
edges of Mesopotamia. Around the world is
a round "bitter river." The seven points
beyond the river are islands that cannot,
they believed, be reached.
Cosmas Indicopleustes's model of the world, from Christian
Topography. 6th century AD. Cosmas showed the world as a
flat place, with the sky overhead shaped like a chest and
heaven watching over it all
Cosmas Indicopleustes's model of the world, from Christian
Topography. 6th century AD. Cosmas showed the world as a
flat place, with the sky overhead shaped like a chest and
heaven watching over it all
The "Map of the Track of Yu Gong" was carved
into a stone in Shaanxi, China, in 1137.
This map, depicting the scope of the Chinese
empire, was meticulously drawn on a
rectangular grid
Gerard van Schagen's map of the world, drawn in
1689. By now, much of the world had been mapped,
with only small parts of the Americas left ambiguously
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its
directive force from the Earth's
magnetic field. The force acts on a
magnetized needle or several
needles affixed to a card, which
rotate freely horizontally.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its
directive force from the Earth's
magnetic field. The force acts on a
magnetized needle or several
needles affixed to a card, which
rotate freely horizontally.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its
directive force from the Earth's
magnetic field. The force acts on a
magnetized needle or several
needles affixed to a card, which
rotate freely horizontally.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its
directive force from the Earth's
magnetic field. The force acts on a
magnetized needle or several
needles affixed to a card, which
rotate freely horizontally.
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its An instrument receiving its directive
directive force from the Earth's force from a gyroscope operated by
magnetic field. The force acts on a electric motors. Its directive action is
magnetized needle or several based on the mechanical laws
needles affixed to a card, which governing the dynamics of rotating
rotate freely horizontally. bodies. It points to true North
– a device used to determine direction
on the surface of the earth.

Magnetic Gyroscope
A magnetic compass gets its An instrument receiving its directive
directive force from the Earth's force from a gyroscope operated by
magnetic field. The force acts on a electric motors. Its directive action is
magnetized needle or several based on the mechanical laws
needles affixed to a card, which governing the dynamics of rotating
rotate freely horizontally. bodies. It points to true North
Basic Parts
Basic Parts
Basic Parts
Basic Parts
Basic Parts
NEEDLE - a thin
piece of magnetic
Basic Parts
NEEDLE - a thin
piece of magnetic
DIAL - a circular
card printed with
Basic Parts
NEEDLE - a thin
piece of magnetic
DIAL - a circular
card printed with
HOUSING - which
holds the other
parts in place
Sun Shadow
Sun Shadow
The sun moves across the sky from east to west
and its shadow gradually changes in length
which is what makes this direction finding
method work.
Sun Shadow
The sun moves across the sky from east to west
and its shadow gradually changes in length
which is what makes this direction finding
method work.
Sun Shadow
Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.
Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.

Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long

and stick poke it into the ground
so it stands up .
Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.

Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long

and stick poke it into the ground
so it stands up .

Get another small stick or pebble

and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line.
Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.

Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long

and stick poke it into the ground
so it stands up .

Get another small stick or pebble

and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line.

Eat a trail bar or relax for a half

Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.

Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long

and stick poke it into the ground
so it stands up .

Get another small stick or pebble

and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line. Place another stick or pebble at
the end of the new shadow. If you
Eat a trail bar or relax for a half have time, wait another 1/2 hour
hour. and repeat.
Sun Shadow
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand.
Grass will work, but not as well.

Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long

and stick poke it into the ground The line between the two pebbles
so it stands up . runs east-west direction with the
first mark being west and the
second being east.
Get another small stick or pebble
and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line. Place another stick or pebble at
the end of the new shadow. If you
Eat a trail bar or relax for a half have time, wait another 1/2 hour
hour. and repeat.
Sun Shadow If you are in the northern
hemisphere, North direction is
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand. perpendicular to the east-west line
Grass will work, but not as well. heading away from the sun. It's
South down under.
Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long
and stick poke it into the ground The line between the two pebbles
so it stands up . runs east-west direction with the
first mark being west and the
second being east.
Get another small stick or pebble
and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line. Place another stick or pebble at
the end of the new shadow. If you
Eat a trail bar or relax for a half have time, wait another 1/2 hour
hour. and repeat.
Sun Shadow If you are in the northern
hemisphere, North direction is
Clear a flat area of dirt or sand. perpendicular to the east-west line
Grass will work, but not as well. heading away from the sun. It's
South down under.
Find a stick about 2 or 3 feet long
and stick poke it into the ground The line between the two pebbles
so it stands up . runs east-west direction with the
first mark being west and the
second being east.
Get another small stick or pebble
and place it exactly on the end of
the shadow line. Place another stick or pebble at
the end of the new shadow. If you
Eat a trail bar or relax for a half have time, wait another 1/2 hour
hour. and repeat.
Hold your wristwatch in front of
you like a compass.
Hold your wristwatch in front of
you like a compass.

Hold a toothpick or little twig

or piece of grass up along the
edge of your watch so it casts
a shadow toward the center of
the watch.
Hold your wristwatch in front of
you like a compass.

Hold a toothpick or little twig

or piece of grass up along the
edge of your watch so it casts
a shadow toward the center of
the watch. Turn your watch until the
shadow splits in half the
distance between the hour
hand and 12 on the watch
Hold your wristwatch in front of
you like a compass.

Hold a toothpick or little twig

or piece of grass up along the 12 is now pointing South and
edge of your watch so it casts 6 is pointing North.
a shadow toward the center of
the watch. Turn your watch until the
shadow splits in half the
distance between the hour
hand and 12 on the watch
In the southern hemisphere,
Hold your wristwatch in front of 12 points North and 6 points
you like a compass. South.

Hold a toothpick or little twig

or piece of grass up along the 12 is now pointing South and
edge of your watch so it casts 6 is pointing North.
a shadow toward the center of
the watch. Turn your watch until the
shadow splits in half the
distance between the hour
hand and 12 on the watch
In the southern hemisphere,
Hold your wristwatch in front of 12 points North and 6 points
you like a compass. South.

Hold a toothpick or little twig

or piece of grass up along the 12 is now pointing South and
edge of your watch so it casts 6 is pointing North.
a shadow toward the center of
the watch. Turn your watch until the
shadow splits in half the
distance between the hour
hand and 12 on the watch
Find the Big Dipper in the sky.
Find the Big Dipper in the sky.

Follow the edge of the ladle 5

times its length up the edge of
the ladle.
Find the Big Dipper in the sky.

Follow the edge of the ladle 5

times its length up the edge of
the ladle.

The brightest star there is

Polaris the North Star which is
virtually north.
Find the Big Dipper in the sky.

Follow the edge of the ladle 5

times its length up the edge of
the ladle.

The brightest star there is

Polaris the North Star which is
virtually north.

Cassiopeia is a 'W' shaped constellation

across the North Star from the Big Dipper.
It's 'W' points right at the north star also.
Find the Big Dipper in the sky.

Follow the edge of the ladle 5

times its length up the edge of
the ladle.
In the southern hemisphere,
The brightest star there is the Southern Cross is used to
Polaris the North Star which is indicate South similarly to
virtually north. Polaris.

Cassiopeia is a 'W' shaped constellation

across the North Star from the Big Dipper.
It's 'W' points right at the north star also.
All the stars in the sky appear
Find the Big Dipper in the sky. to circle around Polaris. It is
nearly right on the axis of the
Follow the edge of the ladle 5 world which is true north, not
times its length up the edge of magnetic north.
the ladle.
In the southern hemisphere,
The brightest star there is the Southern Cross is used to
Polaris the North Star which is indicate South similarly to
virtually north. Polaris.

Cassiopeia is a 'W' shaped constellation

across the North Star from the Big Dipper.
It's 'W' points right at the north star also.
All the stars in the sky appear
Find the Big Dipper in the sky. to circle around Polaris. It is
nearly right on the axis of the
Follow the edge of the ladle 5 world which is true north, not
times its length up the edge of magnetic north.
the ladle.
In the southern hemisphere,
The brightest star there is the Southern Cross is used to
Polaris the North Star which is indicate South similarly to
virtually north. Polaris.

Cassiopeia is a 'W' shaped constellation

across the North Star from the Big Dipper.
It's 'W' points right at the north star also.
History of Compas
History of Compass
“an iron fish”
1040 China, allusions in the manuscript Wu
Ching Tsung Yao revealed a metal fish
suspended in water would point south
History of Compass
“an iron fish”
1040 China, allusions in the manuscript Wu
Ching Tsung Yao revealed a metal fish
suspended in water would point south

Song Dynasty scholar Shen Kuo

1088 wrote that when “magicians rub the point of a
needle with lodestone, then it is able to point to
the south…It may be made to float on the surface
of water, but it is then rather unsteady…It is best
to suspend it by a single cocoon fiber of new silk
attached to the center of the needle by a piece of
wax. Then, hanging in a windless place, it will
always point to the south.”
the magnetic compass first
14th Century appeared in Amalfi, Italy

unknown if the magnetic compass was

also invented in the West or if it
migrated to Europe along trade routes
from China.

sea trade and military advantage were of far

more strategic importance to Western
nations, development of the compass shifted
to the European nations facing the Atlantic
1492 Christopher Columbus and magnetic variation

During his first voyage to North America from

Spain, observed this mysterious behavior, but
he kept it from his crew, fearing it would
spook them

1492 Christopher Columbus and magnetic variation

During his first voyage to North America from

Spain, observed this mysterious behavior, but
he kept it from his crew, fearing it would
spook them

1698 Edmund Halley

with the support of England’s Royal Society

and the Admiralty, set out on several long
expeditions to measure Earth’s magnetic
variations across the northern and southern
regions of the Atlantic Ocean.
1701 Halley produced the world’s first isogonic chart

shows how the angle between magnetic north

and true north varies at different points in the
Atlantic Ocean
1701 Halley produced the world’s first isogonic chart

shows how the angle between magnetic north

and true north varies at different points in the
Atlantic Ocean
1701 Halley produced the world’s first isogonic chart

shows how the angle between magnetic north

and true north varies at different points in the
Atlantic Ocean

1701 Halley produced the world’s first isogonic chart

shows how the angle between magnetic north

and true north varies at different points in the
Atlantic Ocean

1820 Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted

observed that an electric current from

a battery flowing through a wire
produced a magnetic field
This discovery in electromagnetism
paved the way for telegraphy
1831 & Beyond English scientist Michael Faraday
1831 & Beyond English scientist Michael Faraday

showed that moving a conductor in a

magnetic field produced an electric
current, leading to advances in electric
power generation.
1831 & Beyond English scientist Michael Faraday

showed that moving a conductor in a

magnetic field produced an electric
current, leading to advances in electric
power generation.

James Maxwell
combined the electric and magnetic
phenomena in a set of elegant field
1831 & Beyond English scientist Michael Faraday

showed that moving a conductor in a

magnetic field produced an electric
current, leading to advances in electric
power generation.

Heinrich Hertz’s discovery of James Maxwell

radio waves. combined the electric and magnetic
A type of electromagnetic phenomena in a set of elegant field
radiation, set the stage for equations.
wireless telecommunications
Topographic Map
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place

It differs from other maps because it

shows both the horizontal and vertical
positions of the terrain
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place

It differs from other maps because it

shows both the horizontal and vertical
positions of the terrain
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place

It differs from other maps because it

shows both the horizontal and vertical
positions of the terrain
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place

It differs from other maps because it

shows both the horizontal and vertical
positions of the terrain
Topographic Map
Greek topos, meaning a place, and graphien, meaning to
write. Thus, topography is the written, or drawn,
description of a place

It differs from other maps because it

shows both the horizontal and vertical
positions of the terrain
1200 B.C

1701 B.C
Accurate maps were limited to cities
1200 B.C
and other small-scale areas.

Larger-scale maps, prepared from

sketches or journals, were innacurate
as sometimes they reflected more
imagination than observation.

1701 B.C
Accurate maps were limited to cities
1200 B.C
and other small-scale areas.

Larger-scale maps, prepared from

sketches or journals, were innacurate
as sometimes they reflected more
imagination than observation.

1701 B.C Mesopotamnia (Iraq).

For use in land taxation
335-366 A.D

335-366 A.D showed such topographical features as
roads, cities, rivers, and mountains. Its
etymology comes from here.

335-366 A.D showed such topographical features as
roads, cities, rivers, and mountains. Its
etymology comes from here.

1539 The Dutch mathematician and

geographer Reiner Gemma Frisius .
This concept of triangulation method
for surveying an area by dividing it into

Giovanni Domenico Cassini and
1670-1793 descendants

Carte de Cassini, the first accurate

topographic map of an entire
country (France) using triangulation

Its only shortcoming was the

general lack of elevation

Giovanni Domenico Cassini and
1670-1793 descendants

Carte de Cassini, the first accurate

topographic map of an entire
country (France) using triangulation

Its only shortcoming was the

general lack of elevation

1791 French engineer J.L. Dupain-Triel

The concept of contour lines to
show different elevations on a map


United States
1807 President Thomas Jefferson established
the Survey of the Coast to map the
Atlantic coastline as an aid to travel and


United States
1807 President Thomas Jefferson established
the Survey of the Coast to map the
Atlantic coastline as an aid to travel and

1836 This organization was renamed the U.S.

Coast Survey

United States
1807 President Thomas Jefferson established
the Survey of the Coast to map the
Atlantic coastline as an aid to travel and

1836 This organization was renamed the U.S.

Coast Survey

Computers to scan and redraw

1980s existing maps significantly reduced
the time required to update maps in
areas of rapid growth.
Global Positioning System
Global Positioning System
technology that use satellites and receivers to
determine a precise location on the earth
Global Positioning System
technology that use satellites and receivers to
determine a precise location on the earth
is a U.S.-owned utility that provides
users with positioning, navigation, and
timing (PNT) services.
Global Positioning System
technology that use satellites and receivers to
determine a precise location on the earth
is a U.S.-owned utility that provides
users with positioning, navigation, and
timing (PNT) services.

The distance between the receiver
and the satellites is determined by the
amount of time it takes the signal to
travel to each satellite (the speed of
the signal is already known).

The distance between the receiver
and the satellites is determined by the
amount of time it takes the signal to
travel to each satellite (the speed of
the signal is already known).

HOW? A minimum of three satellites is

needed so that the receiver can
triangulate the longitude and latitude
The distance between the receiver
and the satellites is determined by the
amount of time it takes the signal to
travel to each satellite (the speed of
the signal is already known).

HOW? A minimum of three satellites is

needed so that the receiver can
triangulate the longitude and latitude

the fourth satellite can

calculate altitude (height).
The distance between the receiver
and the satellites is determined by the
amount of time it takes the signal to
travel to each satellite (the speed of
the signal is already known).

HOW? A minimum of three satellites is

needed so that the receiver can
triangulate the longitude and latitude

the fourth satellite can

calculate altitude (height).
Space - The space component is made
up of the Navstar constellation
in orbit around Earth.

Space - The space component is made
up of the Navstar constellation
in orbit around Earth.

Space - The space component is made
up of the Navstar constellation
in orbit around Earth.

Control - consists of a global network of

ground facilities that track the GPS
SEGMENTS satellites, monitor their transmissions,
perform analyses, and send
commands and data to the
constellation. Both the space and
control segment are controlled by the
U.S. Air Force
Space - The space component is made
up of the Navstar constellation
in orbit around Earth.

Control - consists of a global network of

ground facilities that track the GPS
SEGMENTS satellites, monitor their transmissions,
perform analyses, and send
commands and data to the
constellation. Both the space and
control segment are controlled by the
U.S. Air Force
consists of the millions of GPS receivers
that pick up and decode the satellite
signals. Hundreds of different types of
GPS receivers are in use; some are
designed for installation in automobiles,
SEGMENTS trucks, submarines, ships, aircraft, and
orbiting satellites, whereas smaller
models have been developed for
personal navigation.
consists of the millions of GPS receivers
that pick up and decode the satellite
signals. Hundreds of different types of
GPS receivers are in use; some are
designed for installation in automobiles,
SEGMENTS trucks, submarines, ships, aircraft, and
orbiting satellites, whereas smaller
models have been developed for
personal navigation.
History of GPS

History of GPS
1959 Navy built first real satellite navigation
system designed to locate submarines

History of GPS
1959 Navy built first real satellite navigation
system designed to locate submarines

The branches of the military launch the
first satellite of a proposed 24-satellite
GPS system

11 more test satellites
1978- Some of these satellites (starting in
1980) carried sensors designed to
1985 detect the launch or detonation of
nuclear devices

11 more test satellites
1978- Some of these satellites (starting in
1980) carried sensors designed to
1985 detect the launch or detonation of
nuclear devices

Civilian GPS Use

1983 Russians shot down Korean Air flight
007 after it wandered off course into
Soviet airspace

President Reagan offered to let all

civilian commercial aircraft use the
GPS system (once it was completed) to
improve navigation and air safety

Air Force launches first fully
1989 operational GPS satellite into space

Magellan Corporation
Claims to be the first with a hand-held
navigation device, the Magellan NAV

Air Force launches first fully
1989 operational GPS satellite into space

Magellan Corporation
Claims to be the first with a hand-held
navigation device, the Magellan NAV

1990 Defense department decides to

deliberately decrease the accuracy of
the system for fears of military
adversaries using GPS to their


The first rev of the GPS System.A full
1995 “constellation” of 27 fully operational
GPS satellites were launched into


The first rev of the GPS System.A full
1995 “constellation” of 27 fully operational
GPS satellites were launched into

1999 Benefon launched the first

commercially-available GPS phone, a
safety phone called the Benefon Esc!

The first rev of the GPS System.A full
1995 “constellation” of 27 fully operational
GPS satellites were launched into

1999 Benefon launched the first

commercially-available GPS phone, a
safety phone called the Benefon Esc!

Defense Department ended the

2000 purposeful degradation of GPS

The first rev of the GPS System.A full
1995 “constellation” of 27 fully operational
GPS satellites were launched into

1999 Benefon launched the first

commercially-available GPS phone, a
safety phone called the Benefon Esc!

Defense Department ended the

2000 purposeful degradation of GPS

2001 Commercial Private Use. GPS products

like the in-car navigation devices from
Tom Tom and Garvin.


Block II new generation of GPS satellite
launched from Cape Canaveral. The
2005 new breed of satellite transmitted
signals on a second, dedicated civilian


Block II new generation of GPS satellite
launched from Cape Canaveral. The
2005 new breed of satellite transmitted
signals on a second, dedicated civilian

2010- The Air Force launched 2 new GPS

Satelittes meant to keep the
2011 constellation operable until the next
generation “Block III” satellites can
begin launching in 2014

2012+ 31 operational GPS satellites

Block II new generation of GPS satellite
launched from Cape Canaveral. The
2005 new breed of satellite transmitted
signals on a second, dedicated civilian

2010- The Air Force launched 2 new GPS

Satelittes meant to keep the
2011 constellation operable until the next
generation “Block III” satellites can
begin launching in 2014

2012+ 31 operational GPS satellites

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