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 Andrés Felipe Polo Álvarez

 Luis Daniel Ortega Orozco

 Andrés Monterroza
 Natural phenomenon that occurs when water rises a lot in rivers, lagoons, lakes
and the sea; then, it covers or fills areas of land that are normally dry.
 This type of natural phenomenon has been present throughout history,
mainly caused by the overflow of a river because of rain, tropical storms,
hurricanes, and sometimes by humans, such as deforestation, the location of
housing in low areas and near rivers or in well-known floodplains.
 Floods destroy ecological communities (vegetation, animals, ...), because they
cover them or because they drag them. The force of the water drags part of the
substrate and vegetation, as well as the shallow seeds, which can affect the
ability of the species to regenerate and therefore colonize.
 Another effect on the environment that floods can have is the dispersion of
pollutants when they occur in areas where there are such substances. Also
important are the changes they cause in river courses and the disturbances that
occur in coastal areas near the mouths of river courses.
 Changes in the water regime give rise to environments with a high biological
diversity. In the case of riparian forests, floods shape their structure.

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