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A good Sociology essay should:

 Describe, explain, and interpret social


 Evaluate its own position in clear accurate


 Be properly sequenced and coherent

Overview cont’d
 Demonstrate skills of knowledge and

 Demonstrate interpretation and application

(doing what the question requires and using
information and arguments relevantly),
-information and arguments should be
weighed (critically)
 Religion is not in decline, but rather, religious
beliefs and practices are simply undergoing
The Question?
 Read the question carefully
 Identify key words and establish what the
question requires of you
 If possible, rewrite in your own words
 Pay keen attention to rubric instructions

For example: To what extent is it true to say

that the Caribbean Family is evolving?
Organise your response according to a simple

 Introduction
 Discussion/Development (Body)
 Conclusion
 Here the student explains the question and tells
how it is going to be answered.

 It should be seen clearly that a decision has been

taken as to the approach to be used.

 The introduction will determine the shape of the

essay and the conclusion that may be reached
 There are two types of introduction:

 In with a bang!!!
This is where students may present a critical point of
view which immediately captures the essence of the
question and the direction to be taken

 The more considered type:

This type is usually favoured and provides an
explanation as to what will be done and how
the essay will progress
 Linear Approach:
Here the argument is developed point by point,
using examples and references from sociological
studies. (i.e. Sequencing)

 Parallel Approach:
Here two positions or cases are contrasted using
sociological understanding.
Guidelines for Discussion:

 Present thorough analysis of the question by

examining all sides of the argument
 Present judgement of relative value the
perspective taken
 State clearly the pros and cons of the issue
raised- establish strengths and weaknesses
 Final decision must be supported by evidence
and reason
When asked to examine the criticism of a
viewpoint or theory you should:

 Speak about the theory, but do so briefly

 In criticizing try to give at least three points

 give relevant examples and use other

theorists to support your point.
 “...Dont be afraid to take a stand. Present
arguments that are robust and the opposing
views are intelligently countered...”
Stevens Paul et’al (1998) – “Think Sociology”
Good conclusions:
 Are evaluative
 Address the original question
 Weigh evidences and arguments
 State outcome in a concise manner
 May be inconclusive
A good Sociology essay:

 Pays attention to grammar

 Avoids the use of ‘I’ ‘you’ ‘me’ ‘we’ ‘I believe’

‘ I think’ and ‘I feel’

 Uses terms such as ‘contend’ ‘maintain’

‘assert’ ‘counter’ ....

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