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Pasca Farmasi 2016

Adalah gangguan pada pembentukan impuls dan atau
konduksi impuls sehingga menyebabkan denyut
lambat (bradikardi) atau cepat (takikardi)
Jantung mempunyai sel-sel khusus yang bersifat
automatis, yang akan berirama tanpa rangsangan
Yang berperan: Nodus Sinoatrial (NS), Berkas
atrioventrikular, sistem purkinye, Nodus
Atrioventrikular (AV)

Dirangsang oleh Ach dan NE

Keadaan normal SA Nodus yang dominan dalam

ritme jantung
Penyebab aritmia
Adanya automatisasi yang abnormal
1. Adanya sel yang automatisasi lebih cepat dari SA
2. Adanya kerusakan sel miokard karena hipoksia
3. Ketidak seimbangan elektrolit(Kalium)

Adanya kelainan induksi impuls:

Adanya blokade satu arah yang menyebabkan induksi
Tipe Aritmia
1. Aritmia supraventrikuler
2. Aritmia ventrikuler
3. Aritmia junctional
The rhythm of the heart is normally determined by pacemaker
cells in
the sinoatrial node (SAN, top), but it can be disturbed in a variety of
ways, producing anything from occasional discomfort to the
of heart failure or even sudden death. Arrhythmias can occur in the
apparently healthy heart, but serious ones (e.g. ventricular
are usually associated with heart disease (e.g. myocardial infarction)
and a poor prognosis. The rhythm of the heart is affected by both
(ACh) and norepinephrine (NE, noradrenaline), released from
parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves, respectively
Antiarrhythmic agents can be classified into:
1 those effective in supraventricular
arrhythmias (top right);
2 those effective in ventricular
arrhythmias (bottom left); and
3 those effective in both types (middle
Arrhythmias associated with stress conditions in which there
is an
increase in adrenergic activity (emotion, exercise,
myocardial infarction) may be treated with β-blockers
(bottom right).
An arrhythmia common after acute myocardial infarction is
bradycardia, which can be treated with intravenous atropine
if the
cardiac output is lowered (top left). Antiarrhythmics have
also been
classified on the basis of their electrophysiological effects on
fibres (roman numerals).

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