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Describe a plant growth stage.

You should say:

What the plant is
Where and how it is grown
Why you like or dislike it
And explain why it is important to your

What is the main plant in your country?

How do schools teach students to grow plants?
Do old people grow plants?
Do people in your country like growing plants at home?
Describe a good law in your country.
You should say:
- what the law is
- how you first learned about this law
- how you feel about this law
- and explain why you think it is good
Do you think both men and women can be police officers?
Do all Vietnamese people obey the law?
What kind of people can become police officers?
Do you think police officers are paid too much?
Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?
Describe a successful family business.
You should say:
- what this family business is
- how you know about it
- who the customers of this family business are
- and explain why you think it is successful
1. Do you think globalisation is a positive
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
family business?
3. Do people in your country like to work for big
companies or small ones?

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