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 There are two types of integration namely Political integration and

Economic integration
 Political integration relates to cooperation and reducing confrontation
among countries
 Economic integration means agreements between countries in a geographic
region to reduce tariff (duty/ tax/ subsidies) and non-tariff (quota/ voluntary
export restraint/ admin policy)barriers to the free flow of goods, services,
and factors of production between each other
 Question: Do regional trade agreements promote free trade?
◦ In theory, yes, but the world may be moving toward a situation in which
a number of regional trade blocks compete against each other
Levels of Economic Integration
1. Free trade area eliminates all barriers to the trade of goods and services
among member countries
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
and Switzerland
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation - APEC
2. Customs union eliminates trade barriers between member countries and
adopts a common external trade policy
South American countries -Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru
3. Common market has no barriers to trade between member countries, a
common external trade policy, and the free movement of the factors of
◦ MERCOSUR comprise of 5 countries in S.America (Brazil, Argentina,
Venezuela, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Now Bolivia joined and formed
trading block
4. Economic union has the free flow of products and factors of
production between members, a common external trade
policy, a common currency, a harmonized tax rate, and a
common monetary and fiscal policy
◦ European Union (EU)
5. Political union involves a central political apparatus that
coordinates the economic, social, and foreign policy of
member states. EU is headed toward at least partial political
union, and the U.S. is an example of even closer political
 All countries gain from free trade and investment
 Linking countries together, making them more dependent on
each other
 Creates incentives for political cooperation and reduces the
likelihood of violent conflict
 Pooling enhance efficiency in production
 Division of labour helps in specialization
 Possible to pool finance
 Economic integration can be difficult because a nation as a
whole may benefit from a regional free trade agreement, certain
groups may lose it implies a loss of national sovereignty
 Regional economic integration is only beneficial if the amount
of trade it creates exceeds the amount it diverts
◦ trade creation occurs when production shifted to efficient
countries, when high cost import from outside block nation
replaced by low cost producers within the domestic producers
with in block price less
◦ trade diversion occurs when production shifted to inefficient
countries, where low cost imports from outside block
displaced by high cost import with in the block. ex: India can
import beer from our trade block nation, Srilanka at 1.20$ per
can, but same beer can be imported from non block nation
France at 1$ per can. Consumers can buy from non block
 Europe has two trade blocs
1. The European Union (EU) with 27 members
2. The European Free Trade Area (EFTA) with 4
 The EU is seen as the world’s next economic and
political superpower
 The devastation of two world wars on Western Europe prompted the formation
of the EU
◦ Members wanted lasting peace and to hold their own on the world’s political
and economic stage
 Forerunner was the European Coal and Steel Community (1951)
 The European Economic Community (1957) was formed at the Treaty of Rome
with the goal of becoming a common market
 The Single European Act (1987)
◦ committed the EC countries to work toward establishment of a single market
by December 31, 1992
◦ was born out of frustration among EC members that the community was not
living up to its promise
◦ provided the impetus for the restructuring of substantial sections of European
industry allowing for faster economic growth than would otherwise have been
the case
 The main institutions in the EU include:
1. The European Council - the ultimate controlling authority
within the EU
2. The European Commission - responsible for proposing EU
legislation, implementing it, and monitoring compliance with
EU laws by member states
3. The European Parliament - debates legislation proposed by
the commission and forwarded to it by the council
4. The Court of Justice - the supreme appeals court for EU law
 The Maastricht Treaty committed the EU to adopt a single currency
◦ created the second largest currency zone in the world after that of the U.S.
◦ used by 17 of the 27 member states
◦ Britain, Denmark and Sweden opted out
 since its establishment January 1, 1999, the euro has had a volatile trading
history with the U.S. dollar
 Benefits of the euro
◦ savings from having to handle one currency, rather than many
◦ it is easier to compare prices across Europe, so firms are forced to be more
◦ gives a strong boost to the development of highly liquid pan-European
capital market
◦ increases the range of investment options open both to individuals and
 Costs of the euro
◦ loss of control over national monetary policy
◦ EU is not an optimal currency area
 Various efforts at integration have been attempted in
Asia, but most exist in name only
◦ Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
◦ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN, 1967)
◦ currently includes Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia
◦ wants to foster freer trade between member countries and to achieve
some cooperation in their industrial policies
 An ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) between the six original members of
ASEAN came into effect in 2003
◦ ASEAN and AFTA are moving towards establishing a free trade zone
 The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
◦ has 21 members including the United States, Japan, and
◦ wants to increase multilateral cooperation
◦ member states account for 55% of world’s GNP, and 49% of
world trade
 There is a move toward greater regional economic
integration in the Americas
 The biggest effort is the North American Free Trade
Area (NAFTA)
 Other efforts include the Andean Community and
 A hemisphere-wide Free Trade of the Americas is under
◦ originated in 1988 as a free trade pact between Brazil and
◦ was expanded in 1990 to include Paraguay and Uruguay and
in 2005 with the addition of Venezuela
◦ may be diverting trade rather than creating trade, and local
firms are investing in industries that are not competitive on a
worldwide basis
◦ initially made progress on reducing trade barriers between
member states, but more recently efforts have stalled
 The North American Free Trade Area includes the United
States, Canada, and Mexico
◦ abolished tariffs on 99% of the goods traded between
◦ removed barriers on the cross-border flow of services
◦ protects intellectual property rights
◦ removes most restrictions on FDI between members
◦ allows each country to apply its own environmental
◦ establishes two commissions to impose fines and remove
trade privileges when environmental standards or legislation
involving health and safety, minimum wages, or child labor
are ignored
 Supporters of NAFTA claimed that
 Mexico would benefit
◦ from increased jobs as low cost production moves south and will
see more rapid economic growth as a result
 the U.S. and Canada would benefit from
◦ access to a large and increasingly prosperous market
◦ the lower prices for consumers from goods produced in Mexico
◦ low cost labor and the ability to be more competitive on world
◦ increased imports by Mexico
 Critics of NAFTA claimed that
◦ jobs would be lost and wage levels would decline in the U.S. and Canada
◦ pollution would increase due to Mexico's more lax standards
◦ Mexico would lose its sovereignty
 In 1970 Bangladesh President Ziaur Rahman proposed to start a
trade bloc for south Asian countries, he addressed regional
cooperation to promote trade
 In 1981 foreign secretaries of 7 countries met in Colombo,
identified 5 areas for regional cooperation
 In 1983 foreign ministers met in New Delhi and declared
 SAARC summit held in Dhaka in 1985, heads of government of
7 countries adopted chapter for SAARC
 Free trade agreement signed in 2004
 Members pledged to cut tariff
 8 Members
 8 Observers
 Policy decisions at annual summits
 Council of ministers
 Executive committees
 Head quartered in Kathmandu, Nepal
 In 1983 during their meeting in New Delhi the ministers launched IPA in
following agreed areas namely:
 Poverty alleviation
 Agriculture
 Rural development
 Telecommunication
 Meteorology
 Health
 Transport
 Postal services
 Science and technology
 Sorts and culture
 Anti Narcotics
 Counter Terrorism
 SAARC established in 1985.Member countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
 Core objectives:
◦ To promote and strengthen collective self-reliance among the countries of South
◦ To contribute to develop mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of one
another’s problem
◦ To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social,
cultural, technical and scientific fields
◦ To strengthen cooperation with other developing countries
◦ To strengthen cooperation among themselves in international forums on matters
of common interest
◦ To cooperate with international and regional organizations with similar aims and
 In 2004 this agreement was reached in 12th summit at Islamabad
 In 2007 tariff was brought down by 20% by India, Pakistan and Srilanka
 SAARC countries plan to reduce tariff to 0% to 5% by 2020
 The nations agreed to raise development funds under single financial institution
under a permanent secretariat
 SAARC countries agreed to grant observer status for US, European Union and
South Korea countries
 They recognised need for energy efficiency
 Economic integration among SAARC countries to influence international
 Elimination of import tariffs by member countries encourages sourcing of
goods from cost efficient locations
 Formation of FTA (free trade association) result in expansion of consumption
opportunities by making available low cost goods
 Sourcing of goods from member countries was more attractive compared to
non member countries
 South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) signed at the 12th
SAARC Summit in Islamabad, Pakistan.

 Build on SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement (SAPTA)

 Enhanced scope of regional trade dialogue to include competition,

trade and transportation, harmonization of legislation, banking
procedures, forex regulations and immigration processes.

 Trade Liberalisation Programme (TLP): reduce tariffs and eliminate

restrictions on quantity of goods traded.

 Trade not only in goods, but in services and investment too!

 SAARC celebrated 25 years of existence at its 16th summit held on 28-29
April 2010 in the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu.
 Formed instruments of regional cooperation
◦ South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA)
◦ Convention on Fighting Terrorism
◦ SAARC Developmental Goals (SDGs)
◦ SAARC Development Fund
◦ SAARC Food Bank
 Observer states include US, Japan, China.
 Regional agreement on ‘Trade in Services’
 Institutions need to address issues of empowerment, and formulate
appropriate implementation and monitoring strategies
 Political tensions and conflicts in the South Asia region.

 Obstructions to free movement of people, labor, currency and other

forms of capital.

 Presence of protectionist trade barriers.

 Multiple bilateral/regional issues or agreements aggravate

complexity of issues.
 Absence of security issues from the agenda
 Bilateral differences between member countries
 Problem of asymmetry
 Problems of implementation
 Weak Secretariat
 Inability to create common South Asian political platform
 Absence of addressing terrorism issue
 Need to move beyond mere framework and policy documents to include
practical provisions.

 Official dialogue between South Asian governments through conferences,

meetings and seminars.

 Advocacy and Outreach campaign: civil society organizations to encourage

policy dialogue with South Asian parliamentarians.

 Develop network of South Asian research institutions focusing on regional

 Commodity agreements are arrangements between producing and
consuming countries to stabilise markets and raise average prices. Such
agreements are common for, wheat, coffee, tin, olive oil and sugar.
 International Commodity Agreements which are inter- governmental
arrangements concerning the production of & trade in products with a view
to stabilizing their prices.
 Quota agreements: In international trade, a government-imposed limit on
the quantity of goods and services that may be exported or imported over a
specified period of time. International quota agreements seek to prevent a
fall incommodity prices by regulating prices,in the case of commodities
like coffee, tea & sugar
 Buffer Stock Agreements: A practice in which a large investor, especially
government, buys large quantities of commodities during periods of high
supply and stores them so they do not trade or circulate. The investor then
sells them when supply is low, to stabilize the price. This arrangements
only for those products which canbe stored at relatively low cost without
the danger of deterioration & this is one of the limitation of this agreement.
 Supply chain identify complete process of providing gods to consumers
 All parties in logistics operation from supplier to customer come in single
 Supply chain covers procurement, production and distribution operations
 Supply chain extends across organisation boundaries
 Objective of SC is service to customers
 Types of value activities:
 Primary : Inbound logistics, operations, marketing & sales, services
 Support activities: purchase, technology dev, HR mgt and general mgt
 World Bank
 Asian Development Bank

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