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How good are you at geography?

1. Put in the definite article where necessary.

1 ____ Black Sea 17 ____ Indian Ocean 33 ____ Kiev
2 ____ Alps 18 ____ Madagascar 34 ____ Amazon River
3 ____ Lock-Ness 19 ____ Volga 35 ____ San Francisco
4 ____ Pacific Ocean 20 ____ Europe 36 ____ Dardanelles
5 ____ Ben Nevis 21 ____ Baker Street 37 ____ Carpathians
6 ____ Danube 22 ____ Gobi Desert 38 ____ Mount Fuji
7 ____ Asia 23 ____ Antarctic 39 ____ Himalayas
8 ____ British Isles 24 ____ Manchester 40 ____ Canada
9 ____ Sahara Desert 25 ____ Lake Ontario 41 ____ California
10 ____ Australia 26 ____ New York 42 ____ Prague
11 ____ Tokyo 27 ____ Mediterranean Sea 43 ____ Island of Greenland
12 ____ Fleet Street 28 ____ Central America 44 ____ Greenland
13 ____ Gulf of Mexico 29 ____ Gulf of Finland 45 ____ Strait of Magellan
14 ____ Siberia 30 ____ Apennine Peninsula 46 ____ Yellow Sea
15 ____ Cyprus 31 ____ Africa 47 ____ Bay of Bengal
16 ____ Iberian Peninsula 32 ____ Bahamas 48 ____ Cape Horn

2. Recognize the country by its outline and the colours of its flag.

1) ___________ 2) __________ 3) _______________ 4) ____________ 5) ____________

6) ___________ 7) ______________________ 8) ____________ 9) ________________

3. Name the capital of the country.

Rome Moscow Warsaw Minsk Bern Kiev Copenhage Tokyo Beijing Reykjavik
Stockholm Dublin Amsterdam Paris Seoul Wellingto Madrid Brussels Mexico City Ottawa
Brasilia Canberra Washingto Budapest Berlin Caracas Buenos Aires London Abu Dhabi New Delhi

1. _________________ is the capital of Canada. 16. _________________ is the capital of China.

2. _________________ is the capital of the USA. 17. _________________ is the capital of Venezuela.
3. _________________ is the capital of Britain. 18. _________________ is the capital of Hungary.
4. _________________ is the capital of New Zealand. 19. _________________ is the capital of Switzerland.
5. _________________ is the capital of Australia. 20. _________________ is the capital of Sweden.
6. _________________ is the capital of Ireland. 21. _________________ is the capital of Mexico.
7. _________________ is the capital of France. 22. _________________ is the capital of Japan.
8. _________________ is the capital of Spain. 23. _________________ is the capital of Argentina.
9. _________________ is the capital of Germany. 24. _________________ is the capital of Belgium.
10. _________________ is the capital of Italy. 25. _________________ is the capital of South Korea.
11. _________________ is the capital of Denmark. 26. _________________ is the capital of Poland.
12. _________________ is the capital of the Netherlands. 27. _________________ is the capital of Belarus.
13. _________________ is the capital of India. 28. _________________ is the capital of Ukraine.
14. _________________ is the capital of Russia. 29. _________________ is the capital of Iceland.
15. _________________ is the capital of Brazil. 30. _________________ is the capital of the United Arab
1. Put in the definite article where necessary.
1 The Black Sea 17 The Indian Ocean 33 Kiev
2 The Alps 18 Madagascar 34 The Amazon River
3 Lock-Ness 19 The Volga 35 San Francisco
4 The Pacific Ocean 20 Europe 36 The Dardanelles
5 Ben Nevis 21 Baker Street 37 The Carpathians
6 The Danube 22 The Gobi Desert 38 Mount Fuji
7 Asia 23 Antarctic 39 The Himalayas
8 The British Isles 24 Manchester 40 Canada
9 The Sahara Desert 25 Lake Ontario 41 California
10 Australia 26 New York 42 Prague
11 Tokyo 27 The Mediterranean Sea 43 The Island of Greenland
12 Fleet Street 28 Central America 44 Greenland
13 The Gulf of Mexico 29 The Gulf of Finland 45 The Strait of Magellan
14 Siberia 30 The Apennine Peninsula 46 The Yellow Sea
15 Cyprus 31 Africa 47 The Bay of Bengal
16 The Iberian Peninsula 32 The Bahamas 48 Cape Horn

2. Recognize the country by its outline and the colours of its flag.
1) Italy;
2) Greece;
3) Turkey;
4) Germany;
5) Great Britain;
6) China;
7) Russia;
8) Canada;
9) Switzerland.

3. Name the capital of the country.

1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. 16. Beijing is the capital of China.
2. Washington is the capital of the USA. 17. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela.
3. London is the capital of Britain. 18. Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
4. Wallington is the capital of New Zealand. 19. Bern (de facto) is the capital of Switzerland.
5. Canberra is the capital of Australia. 20. Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.
6. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. 21. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.
7. Paris is the capital of France. 22. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
8. Madrid is the capital of Spain. 23. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
9. Berlin is the capital of Germany. 24. Brussels is the capital of Belgium.
10. Rome is the capital of Italy. 25. Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
11. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. 26. Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
12. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. 27. Minsk is the capital of Belarus.
13. New Delhi is the capital of India. 28. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.
14. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 29. Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland.
15. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. 30. Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

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