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• John the Baptist was

a preacher sent by
God to prepare the
people of Israel for
the coming of Jesus
Christ and to
witness and verify
Him as the Messiah.
• At the beginning of Jesus Christ’s
ministry, He traveled from Galilee to the
Jordan River. John the Baptist was there
preaching and baptizing the people.
• John the Baptist was there preaching
and baptizing the people. Jesus went to
John and asked to be baptized.
• He came to John to be baptized, but John
told him, "I need to be baptized by you."

• Jesus replied: "Let it be so now, for thus it
is fitting for us to fulfill all

• After Jesus was baptized, as he came up
from the water, the heavens opened
and he saw the Holy Spirit descending
on him like a dove. God spoke from
heaven saying, "This is my beloved
Son, with whom I am well pleased."

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