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An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing,

or event (the attitude object). Prominent psychologist Gordon

Allport once described attitudes "the most distinctive and indispensable concept
in contemporary
Defination of attitude
"a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with
some degree of favor or disfavor."[2] Though it is sometimes common to define an
attitude as affect toward an object, affect (i.e., discrete emotions or overall arousal)
is generally understood to be distinct from attitude as a measure of favorability.[3]

“A Psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular

entity with some degree of favor or disfavor." Though it is sometimes
common to define an attitude as affect toward an object, affect (i.e.,
discrete emotions or overall arousal) is generally understood to be
distinct from attitude as a measure of favorability.
 An attitude contains cognitive, affective,
 and behavioural components.

 A criticism of the tripartite view of attitudes is

 that it requires cognitive, affective, and behavioural
 associations of an attitude to be consistent, but this
 may be implausible. Thus some views of attitude
structure see the cognitive and behavioural
components as derivative of affect or affect and
behaviour as derivative of underlying beliefs.

 Behaviour became an important construct in
early 20th century psychology with the
advent of the paradigm known subsequently
as "behaviourism.“
 Behaviourism was a reaction against "faculty"
psychology which purported to see into or
understand the mind without the benefit of
scientific testing.
 A counter-argument against the high
relationship between behavioral intention and
actual behavior has also been proposed, as
the results of some studies show that,
because of circumstantial limitations,
behavioral intention does not always lead to
actual behavior.
 Namely, since behavioral intention cannot be
the exclusive determinant of behavior where
an individual's control over the behavior is
 Positive attitude helps you cope more easily with
the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into
your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and
negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life,
it will bring constructive changes into your life,
and makes them happier, brighter and more
 With a positive attitude you see the bright side of
life, become optimistic, and expect the best to
happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well
worth developing.
 A negative attitude is characterized by a
great disdain for everything. Someone who
constantly points out the negative in
 A negative attitude is contagious and
therefore avoiding people with one is the best
way of prevention. Once you have a negative
attitude, you will unlikely be able to recover
and self fulfilling prophecy takes a hold.
 Positive thinking.

 Constructive thinking.

 Creative thinking.

 Expectation of success.

 Optimism.

 Motivation to accomplish your goals.

 Being inspired.
 It says that you can  It says that you
achieve success. cannot achieve
 Choose to be happy.

 Look at the bright side of life.

 Choose to be and stay optimistic.

 Find reasons to smile more often.

 Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.

 Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and

 Associate yourself with happy people.

Read inspiring stories.

Read inspiring quotes.

 Repeat affirmations that inspire and

motivate you.

 Visualize only what you want to happen.

Learn to master your thoughts.

 Learn concentration and meditation

 Smile easily  Rarely smiles
 Willing to change ideas and  Unwilling to change
behavior  Can’t see another person’s
 Can see another person’s point of view
point of view  Blames others for own
 Rarely complains mistakes
 Accepts responsibility for  Very critical of others
mistakes  Thinks only of self
 Seldom criticizes others  Does not look other people
 Is considerate of others in the eyes
 Look others people in eyes  Forces own opinions on
when talking with them others
 Respects other opinion of  Often makes excuses
others  Has few interests
 Never make excuse
 Has a variety of interests

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