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The multiverse theory states that our world

is not just one universe, but actually a
collection of individual universes that pop
in and out of existence.
In simpler words, somewhere, within
the quantum foam of existence,
amongst the very building blocks of
reality, there is a universe


A variety of different theories
lend themselves to a multiverse

• In some theories, there are copies of you

sitting right here right now reading this.
• In other universes and other copies of
you that are doing other things in other
• Other theories contain parallel universes
that are so radically different from our
own that they follow entirely different
fundamental laws of physics.
• Since we live in a multiverse, there are
an infinite number of alternate
universes that exist simultaneously with
• Our world is not unique.
• Not only could there be multiples of
objects in other universes, but also
multiples of people, places and events.
Three main Proofs of
the Multiverse Theory

Eternal Inflation

Dark Energy

String Theory
Eternal Inflation
Theoretical physicist, Alan
Guth, discovered that
gravity could work in
reverse (the Big Bang)
• Russian physicist, Alexander
Vilenkin, realized that this inflation
could not be stopped, that it is in fact
There was a infinite
number of bangs before our
"Big Bang" and there will
be an infinite number of
bangs after ours
These other bangs are what
create the other universes
in our multiverse

Stated previously, the universe, or multiverse, is expanding.

The expansion of the Universe has not been slowing due to
gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating.
• Some kind of energy is counteracting gravity and
pushing everything away from everything else faster
and faster.
• This unidentified energy is called dark energy
• The observed value for dark energy is trillions of times
smaller than the theory and scientists predicted.
• Decimal followed by 122 zeros and a one.
String Theory

• Requires at least nine dimensions

• These different dimensions make
different laws of physics possible
Surprisingly, observational tests of the
Many have argued that multiverse picture may in fact be possible
the multiverse theory is
unscientific, because it
cannot be tested, even in

• collision of our expanding bubble with

another bubble in the multiverse would
produce an imprint in the cosmic
background radiation a round spot of higher
or lower radiation intensity
• A detection of such a spot with the predicted
intensity profile would provide direct
evidence for the existence of other bubble

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