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Chapter-6 : Wiener Filters and the LMS Algorithm

Marc Moonen
Dept. E.E./ESAT-STADIUS, KU Leuven
Part-III : Optimal & Adaptive Filters

Chapter-6 Wieners Filters & the LMS Algorithm

• Introduction / General Set-Up
• Applications
• Optimal Filtering: Wiener Filters
• Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm
– Recursive Least Squares Algorithms
• Least Squares Estimation
• Recursive Least Squares (RLS)
• Square Root Algorithms
• Fast RLS Algorithms

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Introduction / General Set-Up

1. ‘Classical’ Filter Design


Norbert Wiener (1894-1964)

I nt r oduct i on : Opt i m al and adapt i ve fi l t er s

See Part-II
1. ‘Classical’ filter design
lowpass/ bandpass/ notch filters/ ...

2. ‘Optimal’
2. Filter
filter designDesign filter input

• signals are viewed as realizations of

stochastic processes (H249-HB78)
• filter optimisation/ design in a filter filter parameters

statistical sense based on a priori

filter output
statistical infor mation
→ Wiener filters
error desired signal

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Introduction / General Set-Up

I nt r oduct i on : Opt i m al and adapt i ve fi l t er s

P r ot ot y p e opt i m al fi l t er i ng set -up :

filter input
Design filter such that for a given
(i.e. ‘statistical info available’)
input signal, filter output signal is filter filter parameters
‘optimally close’ (to be defined)
to a given ‘desired output signal’. filter output

error desired signal

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Introduction / General Set-Up

I nt r oduct i on : Opt i m al and adapt i ve fi l t er s

when a priori statistical information is not available :

3. filter sFilters
• self-designing
• adaptation algorithm to monitor environment
• properties of adaptive filters :
convergence/ tracking
numerical stability/ accuracy/ robustness
computational complexity
hardware implementation

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Introduction / General Set-Up

I nt r oduct i on : Opt i m al and adapt i ve fi l t er s

P r ot ot y p e adapt i ve fi l t er i ng set -up :

filter input
Basic operation involves 2 processes :
1. filtering process adaptive filter parameters
2. adaptation process filter

adjusting filter parameters to filter output

(time-varying) environment +
adaptation is steered by error signal
error desired signal

• Depending on theapplication, either thefilter parameters, thefilter output

or the error signal is of interest

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I nt r oduct i on : A ppl i cat i ons

sy st em i dent i fi cat i on/ m odel i ng

plant input

‘plant’ can be any system

adaptive plant

error plant output

Optimal/adaptive filter provides mathematical model for input/output-

behavior of the plant

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echo path

near-end signal

near-end signal
+ echo

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I nt r oduct i on : A ppl i cat i ons

ex am pl e : interference cancellation

reference sensor

adaptive noise source


+ signal source
signal signal
+ residual noise primary sensor
+ noise

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I nt r oduct i on : A ppl i cat i ons

ex am pl e : acoustic noise cancellation

noise source

filter reference sensors

signal source
signal signal primary sensor
+ residual noise + noise

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I nt r oduct i on : A ppl i cat i ons

ex am pl e : channel identification

training sequence training sequence

0,1,1,0,1,0,0,... 0,1,1,0,1,0,0,...

radio channel
filter base station antenna

+ mobile receiver

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Inverse modeling :
I nt r oduct i on : A ppl i cat i ons

ex am pl e : channel equalization (training mode)

training sequence

radio channel

base station antenna

mobile receiver


+ training sequence

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


Opt i m al fi l t er i ng/ W i ener fi l t er s

P r ot ot y p e opt i m al fi l t er r ev i si t ed
Have to decide on 2 things..
filter structure ? filter input
→ FIR filters
(= pragmatic choice)
filter filter parameters

2 cost function ?
filter output
→ quadratic cost function
(= pragmatic choice)
error desired signal

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters

PS: Shorthand notation uk=u[k], yk=y[k], dk=d[k], ek=e[k],

Filter coefficients (‘weights’) are wl (replacing bl of

For adaptive filters wl also have a time index wl[k]


Opt i m al fi l t er i ng/ W i ener fi l t er s

FIR filters (= tapped-delay line filter/ ‘transversal’ filter)
filter input u[k]
yk = å wl .uk-l =l =w0 T .u k = uTk .w
yk = wl · uk− l u[k] u[k-1] u[k-2] u[k-3]

w0[k] w1[k] w2[k] w3[k]

l=0 yk = w T · u k

previous chapters)
e[k] filter output y[k]
where +

wTT =é
w 0 w 1 …2 w ùN − 1
error desired signal
w w w ··· w
w =ë 0
b w

0 L û a+bw a

uT = uk uk− 1 uk− 2 · · · uk− N + 1

Tk é
u k = ë uk uk-1 … uk-L ùû

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters

I nt r oduct i on : Opt i m al and adapt i ve fi l t er s

N ot e : generalization to I I R (infinite impulse response)

is non-trivial filter input

• convergence problems

• stability problems a1[k] a2[k] a3[k]

b0[k] b1[k] b2[k] b3[k]

filter output

error desired signal

b w
a+bw a

N ot e : generalization to non-linear filters not treated here

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


PS: iCan
Opt m al generalize FIR
fi l t er i ng/ W filterfi lto
i ener t er‘multi-channel
s FIR filter’
example: see page 11
Multi-channel FIR filters
filter input 1 filter input 2 filter input 3

w0[k] w1[k] w2[k] w3[k] w4[k] w5[k] w6[k] w7[k] w8[k] w9[k] w10[k] w11[k]

0 0 0

+ + +

error e[k] desired signal d[k]

b w
a+bw a

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters

PS: Special case of ‘multi-channel FIR filter’ is ‘linear combiner’
Opt i m al fi l t er i ng/ W i ener fi l t er s

‘special case’ : linear combiner

filter input 1 filter input 2 filter input 3

w0[k] w1[k] w2[k]

y = u
ykk= w k· u +

where error e[k] desired signal d[k]

b w

é −L1 ù
a+bw a

uT= ê uu0k0k u1k uu1k3k · …

u = · · uNu
k k ú
kk ë û
FIR filter may then also be viewed as special case of ‘linear combiner’
where input signals are delayed versions of each other

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


Opt i m al fi l t er i ng/ W i ener fi l t er s

Quadratic cost function :

minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criter ion

(w) = E {e } = E {( d ) } = E {(d - u w) }
2 T
J 2
2 2 T 2
M SE (w ) = E{ kek } = E{ |dkk − ykk | } = E{ |dkk − w k u k | }

E{ x} is ‘expected value’ (mean) of x

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


Opt i m al fi l t er i ng/ W i ener fi l t er s

MMSE cost function can

Wiener filter solution: filter input u[k]

be expanded as…
filter filter parameters

filter output y[k]

J MSE (w) = E {ek2 } +

{( )}
error e[k] desired signal d[k]
2} 2
= E dk - u kTw 2
J M SE (w ) = E{ |ek | T

= E{ |dk − w · u k | }
= E{ d2 T T T
k } + w E{ u k u k } w − 2w E{ u k dk } .
X̄ uu X̄ du
X̄ uu = correlation matr ix X̄ du = cross-correlation vector

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


Everything you matrix hasabout
need to know a special structure…
stochastic processes (I V)

for a stationary discrete-time stochastic process { uk } :

aut ocor r el at i on coeffi ci ent s : x̄ uu(δ) = E{ uk · uk− δ}

cor r el at i on m at r i x :
with u T
k = uk uk− 1 uk− 2 · · · uk− N + 1

x̄ uu (0) x̄ uu (1) x̄ uu (2) . . . x̄ uu (N − 1)

x̄ uu (1) x̄ uu (0) x̄ uu (1) . . . x̄ uu (N − 2)
X̄ uu = E{ u k · u T
k} = x̄ uu (2) x̄ uu (1) x̄ uu (0) . . . x̄ uu (N − 3)
... ...
x̄ uu (N − 1) x̄ uu (N − 2) x̄ uu (N − 3) ... x̄ uu (0)

• i.e. symmetric & Toeplitz & non-negative definite

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


Opt i m alcost
fi l t erfunction canfi l t er s
i ng/ W i ener
be expanded as…(continued)
J M SE (w ) = E{ d2 T T T
k } + w E{ u k u k } w − 2w E{ u k dk } .
X̄ uu X̄ du

cost function is convex, with a (mostly) unique minimum,

obtained by setting the gradient equal to zero:
∂J M SE (w )
0= [ ]w = w W F = [2X̄ uuw − 2X̄ du]w = w W F
Wiener-Hopf equations :

X̄ uu · w W F = X̄ du → w W F = X̄ − 1
uu X̄ du .....simple enough!

This is the ‘Wiener Filter’ solution

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Optimal Filtering : Wiener Filters


How do we
Everything yousolve
need to the
knowWiener–Hopf equations?
about matrices and vector s (I )

( L+1
solving linear systems (N linear
linear equations
equations inin
NL+1 unknowns)

12 3 1
· wWF = → wWF =
34 7 1

O(L33)) arithmetic operations

requires O(N

O(L22)) arithmetic operations if X̄ uu is Toeplitz

requires O(N
• Schur algorithm
• Levinson-Durbin algorithm
= used intensively in applications, e.g. in speech codecs, etc.
details omitted, see Appendix

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

How do we solve the Wiener–Hopf equations?

Alternatively, an iterative steepest

descent algorithm can be used

This will be the basis for the derivation of the

Least Mean Squares (LMS)
adaptive filtering algorithm…

Bernard Widrow 1965 (

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

How do we compute the Wiener filter?

1) Cfr supra: By solving Wiener-Hopf equations (L+1 equations in L+1 unknowns)

2) Can also apply iterative procedure to minimize MMSE criterion, e.g.

here n is iteration index

μ is ‘stepsize’ (to be tuned..)

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm
Bound on stepsize ?

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm
Convergence speed?

 small λ_i implies slow convergence

DSP λ_min
2016 <<λ_max
/ Chapter-6: (hence
Wiener Filters & thesmall μ) implies *very* slow convergence
LMS Algorithm 26 / 32
Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

as follows
Replace n+1 by n for convenience…
w(n) = w(n -1)+ m.(E{uk .dk }- E{uk .uTk }.w(n -1))
Then replace iteration index n by time index k
(i.e. perform 1 iteration per sampling interval)

w[k] = w[k -1]+ m.(E{uk .dk }- E{uk .uTk }.w[k -1])

Then leave out expectation operators
(i.e. replace expected values by instantaneous estimates)

wLMS [k] = wLMS [k -1]+ .(dk - u .wLMS [k -1]) T

‘a priori error’

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

wLMS [k] = wLMS [k -1]+ .(dk - u .wLMS [k -1]) T

Simple algorithm, can even draw
signal flow graph (=realization)…

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

Whenever LMS has reached the WF solution, the expected value of u k .(dk - uTk.wLMS [k -1])
(=estimated gradient in update formula) is zero, but the instantaneous value is generally non-
DSP 2016
zero / Chapter-6:
(=noisy), andWiener
LMS& the
willLMS Algorithm
again move away from the WF solution! 29 / 32
Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm


[¥] [¥]
ål i

li L L
L.E{uk2 }
means step size has to be much smaller…!

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

LMS is an extremely popular algorithm

many LMS-variants have been developed (cheaper/faster/…)…
(see p.35)
w NLMS [k] = w NLMS [k -1] + .u k .(dk - uTk.w NLMS [k -1])
a + uTk .u k

K is block index, LB is block size

.å u(K-1). LB +i .(d(K-1). LB +i - uT(K-1).
w BLMS [K ] = w BLMS [K -1]+ ( LB +i .w BLMS [K -1])
L i=1

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Adaptive Filtering: LMS Algorithm

= LMS with normalized step size

(mostly used in practice)

NLMS[k] = w NLMS
(k +1) = w[k -1]+
(k) + .u .(d
.u -
k k -k .w
k k .(d u T T
u k .w
NLMS [k -1])
aa+ + T T
u .u
k k

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