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By Allen Elledge

Type of ownership: Corporation. Service related

I chose to be involved in a corporation because entering the healthcare field takes a significant
effort that cannot be made or funded alone. I chose to enter healthcare because it’s an industry
that could be much more efficient in both operation and finances, and cost less for patients. Our
board of directors will include former managers at health insurance companies with several years
of experience, and individuals who have worked in health administration. Some advantages of this
business type are limited liability and access to more resources, but disadvantages include less
personal control, double tax on income for stockholders, and limited profits.

Forms: Corporate Resolution:

Articles of incorporation:


W-9 tax id:

View online here:
Service Description
We are selling a payment solution for hospitals. We will provide payment and
billing services that are normally done by the hospital with patient’s health
insurance providers. Specific services we will provide are processing insurance
claims according to the requirements of the insurance company based on patient
insurance policy and hospital location, making sure insurance data is current when
patients move or change plans, and going after late and unpaid bills.
Items needed to run the business
Selling Needs(Advertising) Building Needs(Capital/Physical Miscellaneous:
Assets - equipment)
-Consultants to sell the Employee benefits:
service to hospitals -Office Space ● Wellness and health
-Computers engagement programs
-Fax machines ● Health and dental
-Furniture insurance
● Free drinks/snacks during
work hours

My business will rely on internet and telephone service providers to transfer data on-and-off site and
banks to handle payments.
Launch day specials: 5% off service for the first year

Vallis Administrative
830 South Greenville Avenue, Allen, Texas
Hours: Services available:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday to Friday Insurance claim filing
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Saturday Insurance updating
Closed Sunday Collections
Floor plan
-500 payment handlers w/ 50 managers
Responsible for filing insurance claims from hospitals and updating insurance records to keep them current. Looking for
employees with experience in handling insurance claims, persistence, and don’t get bored easily.
-50 IT personnel w/ 10 managers
Responsible for managing and troubleshooting computers used by the payment handlers, on-site servers for holding
insurance data, and maintaining cybersecurity practices. Looking for patient workers with an A+ certification, and some with
a degree in cybersecurity.
-10 executives
Responsible for managing IT and payment teams and securing new deals with hospitals.
-5 consultants
Responsible for selling the service to hospitals and clinics, as well as managing relations with clients.
Payment Handlers wanted
Employer: Vallis Administrative
Location: Allen, Texas
Vallis Administrative is a new health administration company that handles claims from a number of providers. We also keep
insurance up-to-date and run payment collections. What we offer:
Job Requirements:
-Full-time employment
-1 year of experience as a hospital payment clerk -Health insurance
Field of study/area of expertise: insurance claims and information handling -Free snacks and drinks during working
Social Responsibility
Our responsibility to our customers and community is to help improve the standard
of healthcare and healthcare spending. We aim to allow more budget to be
allocated to healthcare rather than administration, allowing healthcare costs to
drop in the area. We will partner with Mission Regan in Mckinney, Texas to
enhance their ability to serve people locally by handling administration related to
moving medical supplies and connect them with people in need.
1st year + startup budget
Office Space: $552, 855

Employee salaries: $22,867,580

Equipment(Computers, servers, fax machines):$569,590.86

Furniture: $315,644.25

Utilities:Electricity:(Est) $92,511.07 - Internet:$13,578.36(est)

Health Insurance: $156,743,825 - $439,940,875 based on averages

Benefits: $127,437.50

Total: $181,283,022.04 to $464,480,072.04

Target Audience
The target audience of my service is hospital administrators and managers, who
tend to be 45-50 years old or older, although there is no definitive age group being
targeted. Identifying characteristics include working at and managing a hospital.
The type of admin that will buy my service are those with exceedingly high
spending and staffing to handle insurance claims. I want to convey an image of
efficiency and competence. For efficiency the main office spaces will be largely
minimalist, with a few splashes of color and decorative items around to break up
the monoform space. Competence will be shown through arrangement of
employee workstations into teams and open conference rooms.
Advertising plan
Slogan: Payment and patient info, streamlined.

The business will be advertised by sales representatives going to hospitals and

doctors offices to explain the merits of the company. Advertising will take place at
hospitals and clinics.

Payment and patient info, streamlined.

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