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Is there significant difference between performance levels before ACL injury

and after being cleared for participation in collegiate football players?

Lauren Baker, Allison Funk, and Tyler Hill
Athletic Training Program - Department of Health Science
College of Human Environmental Sciences

Background Methods Analysis

 ACL injuries are prevalent in collegiate football due  University IRB approval will be obtained for this research  Descriptive statistics will be calculated.
to the extreme demands placed on the body.1,2
 Several methods of rehabilitation and
 Division 1 football players at The University of Alabama  A dependent sample t-test will be used to compare
treatment protocols have been introduced to
average catapult scores between the seasons before
decrease the rate of ACL re-ruptures.3,4  Returning to sport following ACL reconstruction and after ACL injury.
 Despite a standard protocol, each athlete will vary in  On official roster for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
the amount of time that it takes to return to high season
levels of functional performance based on the  An a priori alpha level of .05 will be used.
demands of collegiate football.4,5  Must have catapult data pre-ACL injury
 This study is interested in tracking performance Procedures
levels before and after ACL reconstruction to see
Clinical Significance
 Catapult will be worn during practice to collect data on
whether performance deficits remain after and direction and intensity, jumps, acceleration and
athlete is returned for participation. Catapult sports technology provides statistical data
deceleration, and repeated high intensity efforts
about sports performance and can aid the clinician in
 By quantifying training loads and performance
 The data will be analyzed to view the participants’ determining whether the athlete is susceptible to injury
deficits, clinicians can better monitor and
statistical information regarding physical performance or not. The data reported can be utilized during ACL
estimate the mechanical load acting on the
rehabilitation to determine if the athlete is ready to
body that could predispose the athlete to re- Data Reduction
return to sport or might suffer re-injury.
 Data will be compared from 2 seasons;
 The efficacy of the Catapult sport technology will be
used to determine if athletes are ready to return to  Pre-injury----2016-2017
sport based on data from the previous season.  Post-injury---2017-2018
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 The catapult data collected from pre-season to the time anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Oper Tech Sports Med.
of injury will be calculated ass season averages 2. Joseph AM, Collins CL, Henke NM, Yard EE, Fields SK, Comstock RD. A
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angle has patient-specific effects on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk
factors during jump landing. Am J Sports Med. 2016;44(6):1540-1546.
4. Fullagar HH, McCunn R, Murray A. Updated Review of the Applied
The purpose of this study is to develop a way to Physiology of American College Football: Physical Demands, Strength and
Conditioning, Nutrition, and Injury Characteristics of America’s Favorite
indicate if an athlete is ready to return at pre- Game. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2017;12(10):1396-1403.
injury level through the use of the Catapult 5. Awad OB, Alqarni SAM, Alkhalaf HM, et al. A systematic review of acl
reconstruction rehabilitation. Egypt J Hosp Med. 2017;68:853-865.
sports technology and potentially reduce the 6. Nicolella DP, Torres-Ronda L, Saylor KJ, Schelling X. Validity and reliability
risk of re-injury to the ACL. of an accelerometer-based player tracking device. PLoS One.

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