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 Is a certain set of ethical ideas, principles,

doctrines, myths or symbols of a social

movement, institution, class, and/or large
group that explains how society should work,
and offers some political and cultural
blueprint for a certain social order.
 Representative government
Abolition of class privilege
State protection of the individual
 A form of rule in which the head of state is a king or
 Examples in United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark,
Netherlands, Spain, Brunei etc…
 Government by the people usually through elected
 E.g. Philippines, Mexico, USA etc.. )
 Society without government, laws, police or other
 System of self-control.
 The term originally meant leaderlessness.
 Government by a single person with absolute
control over the resources of the state.
 One of an example is Ferdinand Marcos who rule
the Philippines for 22 years.
 Extreme left-wing ideology based on the
revolutionary socialist teachings of Marx.
 Collective ownership and a planned economy.
 Each should work to their capability and receive
according to their needs.
 Examples are China, North Korea etc..

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