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Prepared by:

Rica Mae Tan, Alyssa Beltran,

Princess Haniffa Mariquit, Christian Rey Carpentero

Nericyl Acenas, Nicole Ann C.Carpentero

Appropriation art raises questions of
originality, authenticity and authorship, and
because of this it is a useful tool for exploring
these concepts. As such, it belongs to a long
tradition of modern art that goes beyond using
art as a tool for showing images and narratives
and looks inward instead, questioning the nature
of art itself.
LAST Supper
OFthe Artist

David Chase

Tony Smith
What makes this Artwork Contemporary?

The Last Supper was famously portrayed in

Renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci’s celebrated,
late 15th century mural painting. The biblical scene
and Da Vinci’s well known result continue to be
provide in art today. This paint makes it
contemporary because David Chase and made this
paint in 21st Century.
He reflect his painting in his experience about his
How does this Artwork reflect the people today?

This artwork reflect the people today it is unique spiritual

event through which Christians experience his presence and
during the redemption of humankind that he brought about his life,
death and resurrection is re-enacted and renewed. It make people
remember about Jesus in his disciples eating together. He gave
them and us this example of discipleship . This is an important
part of the Eucharist, it bond us to Jesus and to each other in a
commitment without asking a rewards.

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