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Alis Hardiyanti
Ayu Nabilah U
Indri Muhrima
Mita Permatasari
Rulla Awalia
Principles of Giving Medication

Talk to patient and Help the patient to Provide privacy for Give medications
explain what you be as involved as the patient in a quiet area, free
are doing before possible in the from distractions.
you give process
Six Rights Of Giving Medication

Right Patient

Right Medication
Right Documentation

Right Route . Right Dose

Right Time
How to explain medication to patient?

Introduce yourself
Explain the medicine Give advice

1 2 3 4 5 6

Explain the dosage

Ask for patient credential Ask opended question
Explaining Medication

Introduce yourself

A nurse was asked to introduce herself

before the patient and the patient’s
family. Introduction is the first stage to
get effective communication between
nurses and patients and families.

“Good morning my name is A, I’m
the nurse on duty now.”
Ask for patient

Ask patient to state their name and

birth date Check patient ID bracelet

“what is your name?”
“when was you born?”
Explain the

The nurse explained the names, usage,

and side effect of the medicine to be
“this is your medicine, the medicine
name is paracetamol to reduce your
body temperature. Side effect of this
medicine maybe you will feel nausea
and insomnia.”
Explain the dosage

In giving medicine the nurse must pay atte

ntion to dosage of the medicine that must
be given, the exact count according to the
prescription give.

“each tablet contins 500mg of
Give Advice

Diagnose with an illness is not an easy

thing. This certainly affects the mental and
personality of the patient. Therefore, as a
nurse who is around the patient, it is
necessary to ancourge her to continue fighti
ng to fight the disease.

“don’t give up, keep trying and praying to
god. And don’t forget to take medicine.”
Ask opended

Give opportunities to patients, if there is so

mething that you want to ask.

“Any question?”

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