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Jose was an autistic child, but very

few knew of his disability, only his

family knew he liked to puzzles, eat
ice cream, lived in the country with
his parents and sister, loved Jose
very much and did not allow anyone
to make him feel bad. He was not
accepted by his community, they
made fun of him and told him he was
a strange boy.
Jose little communicated, his
family did not know the great
secret of him, until one day they
heard him talking, he was in the
courtyard whispering, his family
immediately approached and asked
you were talking to someone? The
answer: no, he was not, but they
were not convinced of his answer
and decided to spy on him, and it
was there when they discovered
the secret of Jose, that he could
communicate with nature.
They again asked him who he was
talking to, to be sure what they
had seen was true or false. Jose
answered them, well it's okay, I
was talking to my friend nature,
they accept me as I am, and they
estimate me, I'm also the person
to whom they tell their most
intimate. secrets
One morning the inhabitants of the
village were frightened that their
animals were altered, the plants were
withered, and the water was scarce,
they did not understand why everything
was so, the only thing that occurred to
them was that Jose cast a spell, they
thought That Jose was a witch.
Jose saw everything that was
happening, and went to find his
friend Lola, a nice cat, he asked her
why they were passing these things,
she replenished him, we are not
happy with our masters, they do not
take care of us, the water does not
They save it, for them it does not
matter. Jose when I listen, I think of
putting together a plan to give you a
solution to what was happening.
Jose rushed to his house and asked
his family what he could do to solve
the situation ?, his family proposed a
sensitization campaign, so that the
people of the town would realize that
they were not doing things right,
Jose armed His plan and left for the
people. The inhabitants were initially
rejecting him, but that did not
prevent his plan.
The days passed and the plants, the
animals and the water, they observed
that their masters were treating them
better, they were taking care of them
and giving them love. They were so
astonished that they ran to Jose and
asked him, you did something so that the
people of the town would change with us,
he answered yes, I did something, they
also asked him why he was so happy, the
answer that the plan he made They but
also for him, because people realized
that he was not a witch, only a disability,
they accept me as I am and they began to
cherish me.
From there the people of the village
lived grateful to Jose for making
them think of how bad they were
with animals, and also apologized for
the way they treated him. Jose
asked them you have learned the
lesson, and of course I forgive them,
people answer, if we have learned,
and thank you for accepting our
Since then Jose, his family lived in
peace, and the people of the village
learned to live in community,
respecting nature and other people.

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