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Presented to:

Mam Anum Zafar

Presented by:
NAMES roll numbers
Zain malik 03
Ifrah Hamid 04
Moattar noor khan 06
Maheen Naeem 08
Khudeja Kamran 37
Usman Awan 54
Shafiq Ahmad 59
(A shame for society)
 Introduction

 Global issue

 Definition by UNICEF

 Child labor in Pakistan

 Causes of child labor

 Types of child labor

 Effects of child labor

 Solutions & suggestions

 Pakistan’s effort
Today Pakistan is facing a lot of social problems but some are in
common in Pakistan, which are destroying our society and also
economy of Pakistan.
Forget corruption there are bigger issues other
than corruption which need our attention.

Child labor is one of such issue. We don’t come

across corruption everyday but we see a CHOTTU
every day with tea glasses in his hand and a question
in his eyes.

Have we answered that question?

This is what we call “Life”
This is also life.
According to united nation international children’s emergency fund;

• There are approximately 168M children aged 5-18 working as

child labor worldwide.

• “Child labor” is some of work performed by children below age

Child labor in Pakistan:
 Child labor is a socioeconomic problem of Pakistan from the
beginning and the presenting negative effects till now.
 Today child labor in Pakistan is the most prominent issue of
all the social issue.
Pakistan is amongst the top ten countries having the issue of
child labor.

Children below 5-15 in Pakistan are above 40 million…

50% of these economically active children are in age group of
5 to 9 years.

According to research 2.7 million children are working in the

agriculture sector.

73% of them are boys and the rest are girls.

Causes of child labor:

 Over population
 Illiteracy
 Poverty
 Unemployment
 Failure of laws
Over population:

Limited resources and more mouths of feed, Children are

employed in various forms of work.
Many developing countries like Pakistan, India and
Bangladesh etc facing a huge problem of illiteracy. Lower class
people are mostly illiterate, so it is difficult for uneducated
parents to understand the importance of education for their

Illiterate rate of Pakistan is:

Male 68.6%
Female 40.3%

Poverty is the basic reason that compels these children to

work like labors and earn a little money at the end of the day.
Unemployment of elders:
Another important
is unemployment
which forces the
parents to send

There are many cases

of child labor where a
child has to work their children to work
against the places
repayment of a loan
which is taken by his

due to unemployment its

To work in factories, become a compulsion of
shops even selling parents to make their
items on streets. children
Failure of Laws:
Another main reason for the promotion of child labor is
due to failure of government in practicing the laws to stop
child labor due to which child labor is increasing day by
The Different Types of CHILD
 Agriculture  Mixing pesticides
 Carpet weaving  Deep fishing
 Soccer Balls  Glass factory
 Automobile workshops  Textile factory work
 Mining  Street work
 Stone  And much more.
Effects of Child Labor:

There are  Child labor forces some

many bad children to steal things from
effects of others in order to satisfy
child labor on their daily living.
our society  Child labor deprives a child
some of them from the basic right of
are as follow: education.
Mental effects:
These are some of the
horrible emotional effects of
child labor, leading to a high
risk of mental illness:
 Depression
 Hopelessness
 Shame
 Guilt
 Loss of confidence
 Anxiety
Health problems of Agricultural
child laborers:

 Injuries from
machines/knives etc.
 Insect and or snake bites
 Difficulty in breathing
 Machine accident – cuts.
Health problems of lifting and or
carrying heavy loads:

 Waist
 Spinal injuries
 Muscle pains
 Body pains
Health problems of domestic

 Injuries
 Burns
 Body pains
 Electric shock
 Breathing difficulties
 Having been diagnosed of
chemical poisoning
General child injuries and abuses:
 Sexual abuse
 Cuts
 Burns
 Lacerations
 Fractures
 Tiredness
 Dizziness
 Excessive fears and
 Drugs.
Solutions & suggestions:

 Awareness should be raised.

 Government & NGO’s should establish their educational
projects in rural areas where they think poverty is high.
 All types of media must encourage to those people who want
to work for the education of poor children's.
 Laws regarding child labor must be implemented.
government must allocate scholarships for poors.
 Family planning.
 Parents should pay attention to the education of their
 These children's are our future.
 On 12 June, people around the world join hands to mark
the World Day Against Child to raise awareness and
contribute to ending child labor.
Pakistan’s Efforts:
 On Jan. 26, 2017, the province  On 14 July 2016, Punjab
of Sindh made child labor government enacted an
illegal under The Sindh ordinance prohibiting
employment of children and
Prohibition of Employment of
defined strict rules for the
Children Bill, banning children use of teenagers between
under the age of 14 from 15 to 18 years.
 The government of Punjab
plans to provide subsidies for
 The ILO, through workers children to work in
its International Programme on factories and workshops to be
registered with them in schools
the Elimination of Child Labor announced.
(IPEC) is providing technical
assistance to the Government  Child workers will be offered
of Pakistan and Employers enrollment in school or skills
and Workers organizations for training to the Punjab
the prevention elimination of Vocational Training Council
(VBAC), which has already
child labor for the country. trained 69,000 children from
14 to 18 years to develop.
Thank You!

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