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Also known as weighting material, a high-specific gravity and finely
divided solid material used to increase density of a drilling fluid.
(Dissolved salts that increase fluid density, such as calcium
bromide in brines, are not called weighting materials.) Barite is the
most common, with minimum specific gravity of 4.20
g/cm3. Hematite is a more dense material, with minimum specific
gravity of 5.05 g/cm3, per API and ISO specifications. Calcium
carbonate, specific gravity 2.7 to 2.8, is considered weighting
material but is used more for its acid solubility than for
density. Siderite, specific gravity around 3.8, has been used to
densify mud, but can cause problems by dissolving into the mud at
high pH. Ilmenite, specific gravity of 4.6 has been used in drilling fluid
and cement. Only barite and hematite have API/ISO standards.
calcium bromide

A compound of formula CaBr2 used in conjunction with calcium

chloride [CaCl3] in completion operations to make solids-free brines
with densities in the range 11.5 to 14.5 ppg.
A dense mineral comprising barium sulfate [BaSO4]. Commonly used
as a weighting agent for all types of drilling fluids, barites are mined
in many areas worldwide and shipped as ore to grinding plants in
strategic locations, where API specifies grinding to a particle size of 3
to74 microns. Pure barium sulfate has a specific gravity of 4.50
g/cm3, but drilling-grade barite is expected to have a specific gravity
of at least 4.20 g/cm3 to meet API specifications. Contaminants in
barite, such as cement,siderite, pyrrhotite, gypsum and anhydrite,
can cause problems in certain mud systems and should be evaluated
in any quality assurance program for drilling-mud additives.
The mineral form of ferric oxide [Fe2O3]. The hematite ore used as
a weighting material in drilling muds has a mica-like crystal structure
that grinds to particle size suitable for use in drilling fluids. To check
for potential wear, an abrasion test is usually run on hematite as a
quality control pilot test.
Calcium Carbonate
A compound with formula CaCO3 that occurs naturally as limestone.
Ground and sized calcium carbonate is used to increasemud
density to about 12 lbm/gal [1.44 kg/m3], and is preferable
to barite because it is acid-soluble and can be dissolved
withhydrochloric acid to clean up production zones. Its primary use
today is as a bridging material in drill-in, completion and workover
fluids. Sized calcium carbonate particles, along with polymers,
control fluid loss in brines or drill-in, completion and workover fluids.
Insoluble calcium carbonate is the precipitated byproduct of mud
treatments used for removal of either Ca+2 or CO3-2 by addition of the
other ion.
A mineral composed of ferrous carbonate, FeCO3, and having 3.8
g/cm3 specific gravity. It is found as an accessory mineral in some
shales and carbonate rocks and also in
some barite and hematite ores. FeCO3 is readily soluble in acids and
breaks down slowly in alkaline muds, particularly at high temperature
to form a gelatinous solid, Fe(OH)2, and soluble CO3-2 anions.
Binder GG, Carlton LA and Garrett RL: "Evaluating Barite as a Source
of Soluble Carbonate and Sulfide Contamination in Drilling
Fluids," Journal of Petroleum Technology 33, no. 12 (December 1981):
A dense mineral whose specific gravity is 4.67 g/cm3, composed of
FeO·TiO2. Ilmenite is used as a weighting agent for cementand mud.
Apa itu PV
A parameter of the Bingham plastic model. PV is the slope of the shear
stress/shear rate line above the yield point. PV represents the viscosity of
a mud when extrapolated to infinite shear rate on the basis of the
mathematics of the Bingham model. (Yield point, YP, is the other parameter
of that model.) A low PV indicates that the mud is capable of drilling rapidly
because of the low viscosity of mud exiting at the bit. High PV is caused by a
viscous base fluid and by excess colloidal solids. To lower PV, a reduction in
solids content can be achieved by dilution of the mud.
BAHASA Gampanganya PV
plastic viskositas, fluida akan cenderung malas untuk bergerak karena
terjadi gesekan. Pada saat fluida mengalir pasti dia bergesekan.
Minimal bergesekan dengan penampangnya. Namun jika istilah
plastic viskositas ini berkaitan dalam lumpur pengeboran, maka
nggak cuman bergesekan sama penampangnya aja tetapi juga
bergesekan dengan cutting yang dibawa.

Faktor Apa saja yg mempengaruhi PV
1. Solid di dalam Lumpur, akibat dari :
 Drilling Cutting
 Cutting bisa menimbulkan friksi karena densitasnya beda dengan fluida
pemboran. Jadi pas sirkulasi, cutting cenderung lebih lambat dari
kecepatan fluida pemborannya.
Faktor Apa saja yg mempengaruhi PV
1. Solid di dalam Lumpur, akibat dari :
 Bentuk dan Ukuran padatan
 Jadi semakin bulat dan semakin kecil maka plastic viskositas semakin
Apparent Viscosity
Apparent viskositas nilai viskositas murni dari suatu fluida. Kita
tidak berbicara gaya gesekan, tapi hanya sekedar tekanan geser
lengkapnya gini, jika kita punya fluida yang sama, yang satu
dialirkan lewat plat aluminium, dan satu lagi plat karet. Maka
dalam kondisi yang properti lingkungan yang sama kita akan
melihat fluida yang mengalir di plat aluminium akan lebih
cepat. Ini murni karena friksi. Sebetulnya itu dinamakan plastic
viskositas yang disebabkan perbedaan friksi karet dan
aluminium. Suatu fluida yang sama, pastilah memiliki apparent
viskositas yang sama. Nah, tanpa melihat gesekan itulah
dinamakan apparent viskositas.
Pengujiaan apparent viskosita menggunakan suatu alat standar
API yaitu Fann VG.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Yield Point ?
Yield Point adalah kemalasan fluida untuk mengalir karena gaya tarik menarik
antar partikel terdispersi. Gaya tarik menarik ini cuman terjadi pada saat fluida
di sirkulasikan. artinya ketika partikel bergerak, gaya ini ada. Misalnya pada
mobil yang menarik derek mobil lain. Pada saat keadaan diam, tanpa
menghitung gaya berat tali, gaya tali itu dalam keadaan tidak tarik menarik.
Namun pada saat mobil depan maju, tali akan tertarik.
Pada lumpur pemboran, yield point dipengaruhi faktor kandungan ion
permukaan pada padatan. Karena hanya ion yang berada di permukaan
padatanlah yang bakalan bekerja. semakin banyak ionnya, maka akan semakin
banyak “tali” sehingga YP akan semakin tinggi.
Selain itu volume padatan juga mempengaruhi nilai YP. semakin besar volume
maka luas permukaannya semakin besar. akibatnya akan semakin besar YP
nya. Kandungan ion fasa liquid juga berpengaruh karena dengan ion
padatanlah YP bekerja.

Gel strength hampir mirip definisinya dengan YP, cuman Gel
strength adalah resistansi pada saat fluida diam. Resistansi saat
diam ini sangat berguna bagi fluida pemboran untuk menahan
cutting saat sirkulasi berhenti. Kekuatan ini juga dibantu oleh
plastic viskositas dan apparent viskositas.

The act or means of controlling (usually lowering) the volume
of filtrate that passes through a filter medium. Control of fluid loss
for a mud is achieved by several means, one of which is by addition
of fluid-loss-control materials to the mud system. Another is to
change the mud chemistry to make the materials already present
work better. Adding a clay deflocculant to freshwater mud typically
improves fluid-loss control.


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