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Matching the headings

1. Clear out the already-used heading

2. Clear out one heading after every paragraph
3. Find the topic sentence, it may not always be the first or the last, it may be in
the middle of the paragraph
4. If you can not find a topic sentence, try to look the paragraph as a whole thing
to draw out the topic yourself
5. If it takes too much time for an answer, leave it to save your time, don’t try to
complete every task
Practice 1: Exam practice unit 1 Reading book
 Step 1: Read all the headings to get general idea about the text
 Step 2: Underline key words in the headings given

 Step 3: Skim Paragraph A for the words which have similar meaning to the
underlined words in the headings
 Studies , research, analysis -> relating to «science» -> heading i
 Step 5: Clear out Heading 1
 Similarly, work on the rest of the text
 Paragraph B: talking about problems and working through them -> relating to
«communication -> heading ii
 Paragraph C: thought, the idea of divorce is in somebody’s mind -> relating to
«power of thought» -> heading iii
 Paragraph D: feel at the beginning, feel disappointed -> relating to «early
disatisfaction» -> heading viii
 Paragraph E: secret of a happy marriage -> relating to «real predictor of a long
lasting marriage» -> heading vii

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