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Academic Language Demands

and Features

Mary Antonnette Lao, LPT

What is Academic Language?

Academic Language Refers to the Language used by

students in working on academic task. It has accurate
vocabulary and used to teach the content of academic
Academic Language Demands
A. Discourse
- Includes the structure of oral and written language.
B. Language function
- Represented by active verbs in learning activities that
serves as a content focus.
Academic Language Demand
C. Syntax
- Refers to the rules of grammar
D. Vocabulary
- Includes words and phrases that are used in various
Academic vs. Social Language
Academic Language Social Language

It has longer and more complex It has shorter and incomplete sentences
Actions are translated into nouns to Actions are narrated through verbs.
formulate concepts.
It frequently use passive voice It use more active voice

It has long noun phrases. It use short noun phrases.

It is used in structured academic It is used in informal social conversations

It is reflected in formal presentations or It is an informal writing for social purposes.
edited writing.
Features of Academic Writing


Features of Academic Writing

3. Precision

4. Objectivity
Features of Academic Writing

5. Explicitness

6. Accuracy
Features of Academic Writing

7. Hedging

8. Responsibility

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