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refers to words that

are used to name
persons, things,
animals, places,
ideas, or events
Types of Nouns
Proper Nouns vs. Common Noun
Proper Noun Common Noun
 proper nouns  these
are just
always start with a generic names of
capital letter and persons, things, or
refers to specific places.
names of persons,
places, or things
Proper Noun Common Noun
 Volkswagen Beetle  Car
 Iligan City  City
 John  Boy
 Jane  Girl
 Iligan
City National  School
School of Fisheries
Concrete versus Abstract
Concrete Noun Abstract Noun
 thiskind refers to  unlikeconcrete
nouns which you nouns, abstract
can perceive nouns are those
through your five which you can’t
senses perceive through
your five senses
Concrete Noun Abstract Noun
 Folder  Love
 Sand  Hate
 Chair  Anger
Countable Noun

 it
refers to anything that is countable, and
has a singular and plural form
Singular versus Plural
Singular Plural
 When a noun  When a noun
indicates one only indicates more
than one
Singular Plural
 Boy / Girl  Boys / Girls
 Foot  Feet
 Mouse  Mice
 Knife  Knives
 Tooth  Teeth
Mass or Non-Countable Nouns
 this
is the opposite of count nouns. Mass
nouns are also called non-countable
 Cannot be counted
 they need to have “counters” to quantify
Non-countable Counters
 Rice  Kilograms
 Flour  Cups
 Garter  Meter
Collective Nouns

 refers to a group of persons, animals, or

 Group of teachers  Faculty
 Group of lions  Pride
 Group of students  Class

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