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Lending Club Analysis

Ruchi Bhatnagar
Bhargavi M
Introduction CBA Practicum

In the lending industry, lenders (investors) provide loans to borrowers in exchange for
the promise of repayment with interest. That means the lender makes profit (interest)
only if the borrower pays off the loan. However, if he or she doesn’t repay the loan, then
the lender loses money.

Lending Club is one such US peer-to-peer lending company, headquartered in San

Francisco, California. Since 2007, LendingClub has been bringing borrowers and
investors together, transforming the way people access credit.

With this project we would like you to review, explore and analyse loan data provided by
lending Club over last few years. The primary objective of the study is to mitigate losses
for the lender:
• Predicting whether a borrower pays off the loan payments or defaults
• Identify if an existing borrower has high risk of default
• Find features of interest that can lead to default and help lender that better decisions

2 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

CBA Practicum
Data Sources
Lending Club data

Containing multiple columns related to trasanctions

3 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

Data Extraction, Cleaning and Modelling CBA Practicum

1. Data has been downloaded from the xxx site

2. The data was then pulled into summaries, cleaning and PCA for dimensionality reduction
3. Sci-kit learn package in python was used to perform pca and kmeans clustering
[ref. results in slide x]
4. X package in x was used to perform linear regression/logistic
[ref. results in slide x]
5. X package in x was used to perform forecasting analysis on the data
[ref. results in slide x]

4 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

Loan Status: Can I identify features that help CBA Practicum

me decide if the loan was paid or charged off?

Some insight/recommendation

5 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

CBA Practicum

Copy slide 5 and use the same format to provide output
You can play with the format based on the visual in hand

6 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

CBA Practicum

7 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

CBA Practicum

8 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

Conclusion CBA Practicum

The results show a good hold of Modi’s popularity w.r.t. to his initiatives for youth
While Twitter data shows more of the positive sentiments with positive applauds (like
#farkdikhrahahai, #visionIndia) for Digitalization, Make in India and Skill India initiatives,
People have mentioned concerns around Women empowerment, rural unemployment and
cybersecurity in the tweets with negative sentiments
Also, Modi needs to gain more confidence within Non-Hindi youth population that seem
less acceptable/interested of his reforms with respect to Hindu [*indicative trends results]
It would be a finger-crossing moment to witness the results of 2019 elections as people do
acknowledge the positive developments that happened in last 4 years while some polls
indicate that Modi has been loosing his popularity over time.
9 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal
Assumptions, Limitation and Further Scope CBA Practicum

• Positive sentiment of people on media platform suggests popularity among people and
likelihood for a re-vote. Other factors are out-of-scope for this study
• All facts and figures are not absolute but relative to each other within the given scope
• API limitation on the amount of data we could fetch
• The collected opinions are about the reforms taken for youth empowerment but are
collected irrespective of the age of the author
Further work:
• As each of the sub-topics show different kind of sentiment score, we can drill down on
each of them to understand their contribution to the resultant score
• Investigate further on the aspects that needs to be acted upon by the Government
10 By Bhat Dittakavi & Deepak Agrawal

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