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Introduction to

The study of the fundamental nature of
knowledge, reality, and existence.
Teacher: Juan, what would you like to be when you
grow old?
Juan: Sir, I want to be happy!
Teacher: Juan, you did not understand my
Juan: Sir, you do not understand what life is all
1. Do you think that Juan’s answer was
appropriate for his teacher’s question?
2. What do you think was Juan’s interpretation
of his teacher’s question?
3. Based on his responses, what kind of student
do you imagine Juan to be?
4. If you were Juan’s teacher, how would you
respond to him?
5. How is philosophy related to the situation?
Holism comes from the Greek word holos
which literally means all, entire, totality.
This kind of system aims to determine and
explain the whole or totality of a given system
by examining the behaviors and activities of
certain component parts.
 In philosophy, a point of view is defined as a
way or a method how one sees or perceives the
reality or a phenomenon.
 Therefore, when one says a partial point of view,
he has clearly stated and admitted that the way
he sees reality or certain phenomenon is based
on a single factor or causal agency.
 A partial point of view then is a perspective that
is based on one of the component parts of a
a partial point of view is a perspective that
looks at reality based on a single or partial
component of a system whereas the holistic
perspective tries to broaden the
understanding of reality by taking
considerations of other possible causal agents
or factors be it biological, theological or any
other factors that may contribute in
understanding a certain phenomenon.
What questions about life are you struggling
to find answers to?
Have great day

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